Welcome to the Unofficial Site for fans of Wizards Great New Line of Star Wars Miniatures as well the new Hasbro Attacktix Game! This site will try to be a meeting ground for fans to try and hook up with others for a game, trades and to build your legion and chat about the game!


Want to see your banner here? Click here for more info, its a lot less than you might think for one of the top Star Wars Minis Sites out there!

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Looking for individual Champions of the Force, Bounty Hunter or Universe miniatures?

Empire Collectables has just received several cases of minis for those looking to complete their collection! Check out Empire Collectables today!



More Starship Battles Game Pieces Spotted!


Wizards of the Coast has two more new previews for the upcoming new miniatures game Starship Battles.  Click here to get a first look and all the details of The Millennium Falcon and an A-Wing Starfighter.





Starship Battles Game Pieces Spotted!


Forums members Sithborg and Sithewok25 have pointed out that the Starship Battles miniatures have started appearing on eBay and toy show overseras, including never before seen miniatures like: an Imperial Shuttle, a Trade Federation Battleship, Jango and Boba Fett's Slave I, a droid tri-Fighter, a regular X-Wing, a Y-Wing, a Rebel Assault Frigate, what looks like a medical frigate, General Grievous' starfighter, a Vulture Droid, what looks to be General Grievous' Invisible Hand, and a Banking Clan frigate among others.





Starship Battles Previews!


The Wizards of the Coast official site has started its previews of the brand new miniature game Starship Battles.  So far we have been shown four game pieces, along with their corresponding game statistics.  Take a look at the Mon Calamari Star Defender Viscount, the Super Star Destroyer Executor, a Naboo starfighter, and Luke Skywalker's X-Wing.  For all the details on these ships click here and here!




Wizards updates their site with some detailed info on StarShip Battles:

Conquer the hyperspace lanes with the best fleet of starships you can muster from all eras of the Star Wars saga. Drawn from the landmark films, the computer games, the comics, and the novels, these starships give you a whole new way to decide the fate of the galaxy. The Star Wars Miniatures Starship Battles Game Starter Set contains everything needed to play head-to-head Star Wars space battles. Add Starship Battles Booster Packs to expand players' options so they can create more powerful fleets and decide the fate of the galaxy. Beautifully detailed, this highly-anticipated set will excite players, collectors, and movie fans.



Welcome Tritex Games to the the Site!

Tritex Games is a totally independent trading company that deals in brand new and second hand Star Wars Miniatures, Wargame, RPG, CCG and other hobby games. They have been trading since beginning of 2004, dedicated to bringing great games and miniature ranges to your home and have been a welcome member of our most popular feature (our forums) for the last month hoping to help our members abroad and in the UK as well as in the USA, they ship Worldwide and are very collector and player friendly! They have been personally involved in gaming circles for over two decades and have a wide variety of experience in this market.

Visit them online at http://www.tritex-games.co.uk/





Starship Preview Schedule


SithEwok25 posted in out forums that according to WOTC, the Starship Preview Schedule Product info page will go up next week at some point with the rulebook to follow either next week or the week after. The first preview will be online around the 19th and there will be 6 weeks of previews before the set releases! You can click here to discuss it!




Welcome Empire Collectables!

Empire Collectables provides the latest products, as well as a wide-selection of classic merchandise from the Star Wars universe, including Hasbro, Gentle Giant and Wizards Of The Coast.


Totally Australian Owned and Operated by people who are collectors themselves, Empire Collectables aims to provide collectors as well as casual fans the best possible shopping experience from the outer rim, with worldwide shipping and excellent customer service.


Until the 21st of October, all new purchases are eligible for a $10 discount voucher that can be used on any purchase in the store -- and with new products arriving daily, including the new Bounty Hunter Miniatures from WotC -- you wouldn't want to miss out.



Bounty Hunters OUT!

The set is out! Be sure to join the trading, discussion and chatter with over 2,000 other players in our forums right now!

Also, look for our new avatar gallery from Bounty Hunters that was just added!


Check Out some new preview figures for the upcoming Bounty Hunters expansion for Star Wars Miniatures, images and information are from our friends at Wizards.com

Bounty Hunters Preview 6

Defel Spy and Bib Fortuna

The next great set to be released for the Star Wars Miniatures Game is Bounty Hunters, coming your way in September. But today, we've got the sixth in a series of previews of the new minis. First, Gary Sarli explains why it's so hard to hit a Defel. Then Sterling Hershey chronicles the rise and fall of Jabba's scheming major-domo.

Defel Spy

Defels are a humanoid species from Af'El, a world whose skies are bathed in ultraviolet illumination. The fur of Defels completely absorbs visible light, making them appear to be little more than walking shadows with mysterious, glowing red eyes. As such, Defels are very difficult to see under most conditions; they're clearly visible in brightly lit areas, and virtually invisible in shadows. Because of this, many Defels find employment as spies, assassins, shipjackers, bodyguards, or other jobs where this sort of natural stealth is an asset. However, because Defels eyes are adapted to see only in the ultraviolet spectrum, those who live away from Af'El must wear special visors to see in normal light.

In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, the Defel Spy is a multitalented "first strike" character best employed at the beginning of the round. However, he has a good chance of making it through to the next round. On one of your first activations, you might move a Defel Spy away from his allies to ensure that he gets the benefit of his Loner ability. That also allows him to keep his distance from enemies and find cover so that his Stealth will protect him from counterattacks later in the round.

After that, the Defel Spy could attack an enemy who hasn't yet activated, gaining the advantage of Cunning Attack. If both Loner and Cunning Attack are in play at the same time, the Defel Spy will have Attack +14 and will deal 20 damage -- impressive for a character that costs only 14 points.

More important, the Defel Spy is hard to attack if carefully maneuvered to stay far from enemies and in cover. Even those with Accurate Shot who ignore the problems of Stealth still have to contend with Evasion, effectively halving their efficiency.

A cornered Defel Spy, on the other hand, is quite vulnerable. Adjacent enemies won't be affected by either Stealth or Evasion, and the Defel Spy has neither the Defense nor the Hit Points to survive much of a beating.

Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

Faction: Fringe
Cost: 14
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: +6
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Cunning Attack, Evade, Loner, Stealth

Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

Defel Spy: Male Defel* scoundrel 3; Init +0 (+0 Dex); Def 14 (+0 Dex, +3 class, +1 size); Spd 6 m; VP/WP 16/13; Atk +3 melee (1d2, punch) or +6 ranged (3d8–2, personalized* heavy blaster pistol); SQ blindness, illicit barter, invisibility, lucky (1/day), precise attack +1; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3; SZ S; FP 0; Rep +1; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10. Challenge Code C.

Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (personalized: +2 attack, –2 damage), visor (allows normal sight in visible spectrum).

Skills: Balance +6, Computer Use +8, Disable Device +8, Hide +12, Listen +8, Move Silently +8, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Defel, Search +8, Sense Motive +5, Speak Basic, Speak Bothese, Speak Defel, Speak Huttese, Spot +8, Tumble +6.

Feats: Stealthy, Weapon Focus (heavy blaster pistol), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, simple weapons).

* See Ultimate Alien Anthology, page 44.

** See Arms & Equipment Guide, page 5.

Bib Fortuna

Bib Fortuna was Jabba the Hutt's scheming major-domo, a manipulative advisor with grand plans to take over the Hutt's criminal empire. Fortuna started out as a ryll smuggler on his homeworld of Ryloth. He was arrested, but he escaped to Tatooine where he and his associate Bidlo Kwerve ran spice runs for Jabba. However, Fortuna had bigger plans, which he put in motion by becoming a slaver for the Hutt. Jabba was impressed enough to make him an advisor.

Fortuna quickly did away with his rivals within the criminal organization, becoming major-domo and caretaker of day-to-day operations. Unfortunately for the Twi'lek, his plans to eliminate Jabba and take full control fell apart, ironically enough, because of Jabba's death. The B'omarr monks that had agreed to help Fortuna captured him instead. He was doomed to become a disembodied brain among the B'omarr until an ally named Firth Olan provided Fortuna with a replacement body.

In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, Bib Fortuna is one of the lowest-cost Unique characters available. When used with Jabba the Hutt, he costs the same as the Twi'lek Scoundrel. While Bib Fortuna has a lower Defense and Attack score than the Scoundrel, his Poison +20 ability makes him much more dangerous to living targets.

If used with Cunning Attack, Fortuna has a chance to inflict 40 points of damage in a single strike, which no other character can achieve at this low point cost (without help or a critical hit). However, Fortuna won't be slugging it out in the trenches. True to the character, he needs to stay out of the line of fire and strike from protected locations, due to his low Defense and few Hit Points.

Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

Faction: Fringe
Cost: 8
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 12
Attack: +4
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee, Cunning Attack, Poison +20 (+20 damage to living enemy; save 11), Rapport (Jabba the Hutt)

Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

Bib Fortuna: Male Twi'lek diplomat 2/scoundrel 3; Init +0; Defense 13 (+3 class); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 20/12; Atk +4 melee (1d4+1, dagger) or +3 ranged; SQ illicit barter, low light vision, lucky 1/day, precise attack +1; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 6; Rep +2; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14. Challenge Code D.

Equipment: Twi'lek dagger, poisons*, desert robes, credit chip, datapad.

Skills: Appraise +4, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +12, Gather Information +10, Hide +3, Knowledge (streetwise) +8, Knowledge (Jabba's organization) +8, Knowledge (Ryloth) +6, Listen +8, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Huttese, Read/Write Ryl, Sense Motive +8, Speak Basic, Speak Huttese, Speak Lekku, Speak Ryl.

Feats: Skill Emphasis (Bluff), Skill Emphasis (Gather Information), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, simple weapons).

* See the Star Wars Roleplaying GameRevised Core Rulebook, page 289.


Check Out some new preview figures for the upcoming Bounty Hunters expansion for Star Wars Miniatures, images and information are from our friends at Kidzworld.com

Dannik Jerriko is a vampiric Anzati mercenary who drinks the life-force of his opponents and calls it soup! The famous bounty hunter Zuckuss is a Gand Findsman who uses the Force to see the future.

Star Wars Miniatures - Dannik Jerriko Fig Info

Figure: Dannik Jerriko
Faction: Fringe
Cost: 23
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: +9
Damage: 10
Set #: 25/60
Rarity: Very Rare
Special Abilities:

  • Unique
  • Cunning Attack - +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round.
  • Drain Life Energy - Whenever he defeats an adjacent living enemy, remove all damage from this character.
  • Proboscises - Replaces turn: Make an attack at +10 Damage against an adjacent living enemy. If this attack hits, the enemy is considered activated this round; save 11.
  • Stealth - If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than six squares when choosing targets.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Dannik Jerriko Strategy Tips

    He's no good at battling big bruisers, but if you can sneak him around to the side or rear of your opponent's troops he's great! His Defense and Hit Points let him take a few hits, and constantly healing as he slurps up the soup of the weak figs or wounded big guys will make sure he's a serious problem for your opponent!

    Star Wars Miniatures - Zuckuss Fig Info

    Figure: Zuckuss
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 22
    Hit Points: 40
    Defense: 15
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 53/60
    Rarity: Rare
    Special Abilities:

  • Unique
  • Accurate Shot - Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy.
  • Bounty Hunter - +4 Attack against Unique enemies.
  • Intuition - Once per round, after Initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to six squares before any other character activates.
  • Rapport - A character whose name contains 4-LOM costs one less when in the same squad as this character.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Zuckuss Strategy Tips

    Other than the obvious 4-LOM teamup, this Gand mercenary has a big edge on running away! At the end of your turn, march him out of cover and blast someone, then start the next turn by having him use his Intuition to realize that standing out in the open with less Defense than a Stormtrooper is a good way to get blown up, and pop him back into cover! Or, use his Intuition to get him closer to a target, then move him the rest of the way when it's his turn.

  • -------------------

    Check Out some new preview figures for the upcoming Bounty Hunters expansion for Star Wars Miniatures, images and information are from our friends at Kidzworld.com and Wizards.com

    Bounty Hunters Preview 4

    Mandalore the Indomitable and Mandalorian Warrior


    The next great set to be released for the Star Wars Miniatures Game is Bounty Hunters, coming your way in September. But today, we've got the fourth in a series of previews of the new minis. First, Sterling Hershey shows us how Mandalore the Indomitable earned his name. Then Gary Sarli throws in another Mandalorian for good measure -- a Warrior who really knows how to swing a great force pike.

    Mandalore the Indomitable

    The Mandalorians are renowned for their excellent combat abilities. Their loyalties, motives, and signature armor might vary, but they are always a force to be respected and feared. Early Mandalorians were probably Taung, but the Mandalorian tradition was not restricted to any one species. Traditionally, the Mandalorian leader carried the title of Mandalore, though others often added descriptive terms to differentiate between them.

    Such is the case with Mandalore the Indomitable. Four thousand years before the fall of the Republic, this early Mandalore was driven to conquer and prove the strength and skill of the Mandalorians. He went so far as to challenge the rogue Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma to single combat at the beginning of the Great Sith War. Ulic quickly defeated Mandalore and called upon him and the Mandalorians to join the Sith cause. Mandalore proved a worthy ally, later helping Exar Kun to rescue Ulic after a risky strike on Coruscant.

    However, the Republic soon gained the upper hand in the Great Sith War, stripping Ulic of his Jedi abilities and defeating Exar Kun on Yavin 4. Mandalore himself fell to the savage beasts of Dxun, where he had fled with his remaining forces after a failed attack on Onderon. In keeping with Mandalorian tradition, one of his soldiers found his mask, donning it to become the next Mandalore.

    For more information on the Mandalorians, see "The History of the Mandalorians" in Star Wars Insider #80. For more on Mandalore the Indomitable and the story of the Sith War, see Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War, from Dark Horse Comics.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, Mandalore the Indomitable is a powerful leader of the Mandalorian faction. He has a high point cost of 68, but he has several decent abilities, a very good Attack score, and a commander effect that can boost the damage of his Mandalorian allies. Most Mandalorians already have good Attack and Damage scores, so the extra +4 Attack and +10 Damage from Momentum makes them a very dangerous faction. Obviously, this character works best with fellow Mandalorians in the squad.

    Mandalore the Indomitable has fewer Hit Points and lower Defense and Attack scores than other Unique characters in this cost range. Of course, most of his peers are powerful Jedi or other Force-users. Fortunately, Mandalore's Evade ability should enable him to avoid some damage and keep him in the game that much longer. He also dishes out more Damage with each hit than some characters in his cost range.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Mandalorian
    Cost: 68
    Hit Points: 120
    Defense: 19
    Attack: + 13
    Damage: 30
    Special Abilities: Unique, Deadly Attack (scores a critical hit on an attack roll of natural 19 or 20), Double Attack, Evade, Momentum
    Commander Effect: Mandalorian allies gain Momentum

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Mandalore the Indomitable: Male Mandalorian soldier 6/elite trooper 5; Init +6; Defense 19 (+7 class, +2 Dex); Spd 6 m; DR 11, VP/WP 104/16; Atk +13/+8 melee (2d8, force pike) or +14/+9 melee (2d10/19–20, Mythosaur axe) or +12/+7 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SQ uncanny dodge (Dex bonus), SV Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +6; SZ M; FP 2; DSP 5; Rep +4; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12. Challenge Code E.

    Equipment: Mandalore's Crusader armor (see below), mythosaur axe (see below), Force pike, blaster pistol, comlink, basilisk war droid.

    Skills: Astrogate +3, Computer Use +6, Demolitions +6, Hide +5 , Intimidate +7, Listen +6, Move Silently +3, Pilot +9, Search +3, Spot +6, Repair +2, Tumble +1.

    Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Mythosaur axe), Improved Critical (Mythosaur Axe), Improved Initiative, Infamy, Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Starship Operation (capital ship), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Mythosaur axe), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons), Zero-G Training.

    Crusader Armor
    Around the time of the Sith War, most Mandalorians wore highly customized Crusader armor. Each suit had a similar organic look with armored plates, spikes, studs, and straps modified to the wearer's specifications. Crusader armor is much simpler than later Mandalorian armor, as it does not feature built-in weaponry. Some versions also include early rocket packs. Crusader armor can be completely sealed for use in hard vacuum.
    Armor Type: Heavy Armor; Proficiency Group: Heavy; Cost: 10,000 (standard) or using Mandalorian Iron: 42,000 (soldiers), 84,000 (officers) or 336,000 (Mandalore); Damage Reduction: 6 (standard) or using Mandalorian Iron: 8 (soldiers), 9 (officers) or 11 (Mandalore); Maximum Dex Bonus: +2; Armor Check Penalty: –5; Speed: 6m/2m; Weight: 45 kg; Availability: Military

    Mythosaur Axe
    The mythosaur axe is a traditional Mandalorian weapon, used during the Sith War. The double-bit axe features telescopic blades that fan out from a central shaft. For portability, the blades are extended only when in combat. Traditionally, the blades are made from mythosaur bone, but as those ancient creatures are rare (if not extinct), later versions use modern materials.
    Weapon Type: Melee weapon; Proficiency Group: Exotic (mythosaur axe); Cost: 5,000; Damage: 2d10; Critical: 20; Weight: 4 kg; Type: Slashing; Size: Large; Hardness: 10; WP: 10; Break DC: 20; Availability: Military

    Mandalorian Warrior

    In the years after the defeat of Exar Kun (four millennia before the Battle of Yavin), Mandalore the Ultimate unleashed his Neo-Crusaders on the galaxy in what became known as the Mandalorian Wars. These Mandalorian warriors wore more sleek and uniform armor than their Crusader predecessors, and they ravaged countless worlds as war itself was revered as an aspect of the divine. Ultimately, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were defeated by the Jedi Revan and Malak (who later became Dark Lords of the Sith), and their ranks were dispersed as they became little more than mercenaries scattered throughout the galaxy.

    In an ironic twist, Revan would play a pivotal role in helping Canderous Ordo to restore the honor of the Mandalorian traditions. As the new Mandalore, Canderous Ordo employed a more advanced version of armor than that of the Neo-Crusaders. Ordo's reformed Neo-Crusaders adopted a similar style of armor in the following years in honor of the new Mandalore.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, the Mandalorian Warrior provides a commanding melee presence for a reasonable price. He's not quite low enough to work as "filler" for the last few points of a squad, but certainly attractive to add a little muscle to a melee-oriented group. Solid damage combined with Mighty Swing gives him a decent punch. Combined with Cleave, he can slice through two enemies with up to 30 Hit Points each in a single turn.

    More important, he has a little extra versatility on the offensive because of Melee Reach 2; he can engage slightly more distant opponents without having to move, further capitalizing on Mighty Swing. Place him in a critical location or intersection, and you can make your opponent think twice before drawing an attack of opportunity or leaving his characters within reach.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Mandalorian
    Cost: 14
    Hit Points: 40
    Defense: 16
    Attack: + 9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Cleave, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Mighty Swing

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Mandalorian Warrior: Male Human soldier 4; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Def 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Class); DR 5; Spd 8 m; VP/WP 30/13; Atk +6 ranged (by weapon) or +9 melee (3d8+4, great force pike); SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2; SZ M; FP 1; DSP 1; Rep +1; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10. Challenge Code ?

    Equipment: Padded battle armor (Mandalorian iron*), great force pike** (reach: 4 meters)

    Skills: Intimidate +7, Listen +4, Pilot +7, Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic, Spot +4, Treat Injury +5

    Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (great force pike), Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons).

    Source: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/BHPreview4


  • The Aqualish Assassin works for the Black Sun mob! The Rodian Hunt Master is an expert warrior among his people.

    Star Wars Miniatures - Aqualish Assassin Fig Info

    Figure: Aqualish Assassin
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 7
    Hit Points: 20
    Defense: 15
    Attack: +7
    Damage: 10
    Set #: 15/60
    Rarity: Common
    Special Abilities:

  • Black Sun - If a character whose name contains Xizor or Vigo is in the same squad, this character gains Grenades 10(Replaces attacks: Range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target: save 11).
  • Melee Attack - Can attack only adjacent enemies.
  • Opportunist - +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round.
  • Stealth - If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than six squares when choosing targets.

    Star Wars Miniatures - Aqualish Assassin Strategy Tips

    Without his Black Sun mob bosses to power him up, this guy is pretty weak. With them you can sneak this guy up into cover and toss grenades at your opponent's warriors, then use his Opportunist ability against anyone who gets too close.

    Star Wars Miniatures - Rodian Hunt Master Fig Info

    Figure: Rodian Hunt Master
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 22
    Hit Points: 40
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +7
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 46/60
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Special Abilities:

  • Deadeye - On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +10 Damage.
  • Rapport - Costs one less when in the same squad as a character named Jabba the Hutt.
    Commander Effect:
  • Non-Unique followers within six squares gain Deadeye.

    Star Wars Miniatures - Rodian Hunt Master Strategy Tips

    He isn't much good on his own, but if you team him up with a bunch of stealthy allies who have Cunning Attack, Careful Shot, Double Attack, or all three abilities, then he can give them a nice boost. Just make sure to keep him under cover so he doesn't get blasted!

    The Klatooinian Hunter is a mercenary working for Jabba the Hutt. Tusken Raiders are vicious creatures from the desert world of Tatooine.

    Star Wars Miniatures - Klatooinian Hunter Fig Info

    Figure: Klatooinian Hunter
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 11
    Hit Points: 10
    Defense: 12
    Attack: +3
    Damage: 30
    Set #: 8/60
    Rarity: Common
    Special Abilities:

  • Black Sun - If a character whose name contains Xizor or Vigo is in the same squad, this character gains Grenades 10 (Replaces attacks: Range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target: save 11).
  • Heavy Weapon - Can't attack and move in the same turn.

    Star Wars Miniatures - Klatooinian Hunter Strategy Tips

    With 30 Damage this guy must be hunting spaceships! He only has +3 to hit though, so he needs a commander who can boost that. A Black Sun commander is even better, because it gives him an attack he can use while he moves up to use his bazooka.

    Star Wars Miniatures - Tusken Raider Sniper Fig Info

    Figure: Tusken Raider Sniper
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 8
    Hit Points: 10
    Defense: 13
    Attack: +3
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 48/60
    Rarity: Common
    Special Abilities:

  • Careful Shot +4 - On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +4 Attack.
  • Sniper - Other characters do no provide cover against this character's attack.

    Star Wars Miniatures - Tusken Raider Sniper Strategy Tips

    A cheaper version of the Mustafarian Soldier, this desert raider is good for helping your melee troops out. Send a bunch of them in to tie up your opponent's warriors, then start blasting away!

  • ----------------------------

    Check Out two new preview figures for the upcoming Bounty Hunters expansion for Star Wars Miniatures, images and information are from our friends at Kidzworld.com,

  • Star Wars Miniatures: Bounty Hunters Preview Images

    Lando Calrissian went undercover as Tamteel Skreej to help rescue Han Solo from the clutches of Jabba the Hutt. The Mustafarian Soldier guards the Separatists' smelting facilities on fiery Mustafar.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Tamteel Skreej Fig Info

    Figure: Tamteel Skreej [Lando Calrissian]
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 23
    Hit Points: 50
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 47/60
    Rarity: Very Rare
    Special Abilities:

  • Unique - Counts as Lando Calrissian.
  • Cleave - Once per turn, if this character defeats an adjacent enemy by making an attack, he can make 1 immediate attack against another adjacent enemy.
  • Double Attack - On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving.
  • Melee Attack - Can attack only adjacent enemies.
  • Opportunist - +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round.
  • Stealth - If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Mustafarian Soldier Fig Info

    Figure: Mustafarian Soldier
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 12
    Hit Points: 10
    Defense: 12
    Attack: +4
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 42/60
    Rarity: Common
    Special Abilities:

  • Careful Shot +4 - On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +4 Attack.
  • Deadeye - On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +10 Damage.
  • Sniper - Other characters do no provide cover against this character's attack
  • ----------------------

    Bounty Hunters Preview 3

    IG-88 and Dark Hellion Swoop Gang Member


    The next great set to be released for the Star Wars Miniatures Game is Bounty Hunters, coming your way in September. But today, we've got the third in a series of previews of the new minis. First, Gary Sarli explains why you might prefer the new souped-up IG-88 over the original model from the Rebel Storm set. Then Sterling Hershey shows how the Dark Hellion Swoop Gang Member fights better when his pals are nearby.

    IG-88, Bounty Hunter

    Only seconds after being built and activated at Holowan Laboratories, IG-88 achieved self-awareness and killed his creators. Shortly afterward, he downloaded his consciousness into three other prototypes of the same design, and IG-88A, B, C, and D set forth on a plan of galactic domination.

    While IG-88A took over the massive droid factories on Mechis III and began planting "accomplices" on countless planets, IG-88B began working as a bounty hunter to draw attention away from the larger plot. By the time IG-88B answered Vader's call for hunters to track down the Millennium Falcon, he had already killed over 150 beings and was subject to a "dismantle on sight" order in 40 different star systems.

    Over the next year, IG-88's reign came to an end. First, IG-88B confronted Boba Fett on Cloud City in an attempt to get the Han Solo bounty for himself, but Fett destroyed him and left his wreckage to the Ugnaughts in the city's smelting chambers. Later, IG-88C confronted Fett in orbit over Tatooine, but Fett's Slave I managed to destroy IG-88C's starship, IG-2000. IG-88D was reportedly destroyed by Dash Rendar on Ord Mantell. And IG-88A, who had downloaded his corrupt programming into the computer core that was installed on the second Death Star, was destroyed along with the battle station at the Battle of Endor.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, the new IG-88, Bounty Hunter figure is a significant step up in power over the original IG-88 from Rebel Storm.

  • Flamethrower 20 is absolutely devastating to groups of enemies because it deals an automatic 20 points of damage, no save or attack required.
  • If you'd rather nullify your enemies for a round instead, use Sonic Stunner, which leaves a living target and all living characters adjacent to it activated and unable to act for the rest of the round.
  • On the other hand, if a notable enemy has already activated, you can use Opportunist instead to get an extra edge against him.
  • Although IG-88, Bounty Hunter has a lower Attack bonus than his Rebel Storm counterpart, he does have a higher bonus from Bounty Hunter, making him just as effective against Unique enemies.


    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 44
    Hit Points: 80
    Defense: 19
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Droid, Bounty Hunter +6, Double Attack, Flamethrower 20, Opportunist, Sonic Stunner (replaces attacks; range 6; living target and each living character adjacent to that target are considered activated this round; save 11 negates. Huge and larger characters ignore this special ability.)

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    IG-88: Medium walking assassin droid scout 4/soldier 3/bounty hunter 1; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Defense 19 (+6 class, +3 Dex); DR 7; Spd 12 m; VP/WP 68/17; Atk +10/+5 melee (1d6+3, claws) or +11/+6 ranged (3d8+3, blaster rifle) or +10/+5 ranged (special, neural inhibitor) or +6/+1 ranged (DC 18 daze, sonic stunner); SQ droid quirk (pompous), manufacturer characteristics (Holowan Laboratories, +2 on Spot and Intimidate), trailblazing, heart +1, uncanny dodge, target bonus +1; SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +5; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 9; Rep +3; Str 17, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 14. Challenge Code E.

    Equipment: BlasTech DLT-20A blaster rifle, Mennotor DAS-430 electromagnetic projectile launcher with neural inhibitor darts (see below), flamethrower, sonic stunner (DC 18 stun, burst radius 4 meters; see below), claws, heavy battle armor, locked access, heuristic processor, improved sensor package, infrared vision, low-light vision, telescopic vision, 360-degree vision, motion sensors, sonic sensors, vocabulator, comlink, environmental compensation (acid, heat, cold, dust, water), rust inhibitor, assault starfighter (IG-2000).

    Skills: Astrogate +2, Computer Use +5, Demolitions +3, Disable Device +2, Gather Information +7, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (alien species) +3, Knowledge (streetwise) +4, Knowledge (systems) +4, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Pilot +6, Profession (bounty hunter) +4, Read/Write Basic, Search +4, Sense Motive +3, Speak Basic, Spot +8, Survival +4.

    Feats: Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Starship Operations (starfighter), Track, Weapon Focus (blaster rifles), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, slugthrowers, vibro weapons).

    Mennotor DAS-430 Electromagnetic Projectile Launcher
    The DAS-430 is similar in appearance to a standard blaster rifle, but it actually fires small dartlike projectiles. The most common ammunition is a dart filled with a neural inhibiting toxin.

    Weapon Type: Dart shooter; Proficiency Group: Slugthrower; Cost: 1,200; Damage: 1d6; Critical: 20; Range Increment: 8 m (burst radius by grenade type); Weight: 3.5 kg; Fort DC: --; Type: Piercing; Multifire/Autofire: --; Size: Medium; Hardness: 4; WP: 5; Break DC: 17; Availability: Rare; Eras: All; Special: The weapon holds eight shots before needing to be reloaded as a full-round action.

    Neural Inhibitor Dart
    On a successful hit, the target is injected with a neurotoxin. This is an injury poison (DC 15) with initial damage 1d6 Dex and secondary damage Paralysis. Wound damage must be dealt for the poison to affect the target. The cost is 10 credits per shot.
    Availability: Rare, restricted.

    Sonic Stunner
    Sonic weapons have become increasingly common as an alternative to stun weapons among law enforcement authorities (and others who like to capture targets alive, such as bounty hunters). Anyone hit by a sonic rifle set on "daze" must make a successful Fortitude save to avoid being dazed for 1d4+1 rounds.

    Weapon Type: Sonic stunner; Proficiency Group: Exotic (sonic weapons); Cost: 1,500; Damage: --; Critical: --; Range Increment: 4 m (4-m burst radius); Weight: 3.5 kg; Fort DC: 18 (daze); Type: Energy; Multifire/Autofire: --; Size: Medium; Hardness: 4; WP: 5; Break DC: 17; Availability: Rare; Eras: All; Special: The weapon holds five shots before needing to be reloaded as a move action.

    Dark Hellion Swoop Gang Member

    The Dark Hellions -- better known as the Dark Star Hellions -- are a violent swoop gang known to raid isolated settlements in Seswenna Sector in the Outer Rim. Using a large freighter to ferry their overpowered swoops around the sector, the Hellions target poorly defended outposts and towns, and then escape before reinforcements arrive. At any given time, the gang might have up to a hundred members. Their strength relies on speed and numbers, so the more Hellions there are around, the better they fight.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, characters with a 5-point cost are low-powered units, often used to fill out a squad of high-power characters or serve as basic troopers (such as Stormtroopers or Rebel Troopers). They usually have a single special ability to give them a small boost in certain situations, and the Dark Hellion Swoop Gang Member is no exception.

    The Dark Hellions have the Gang +1 special ability, which grants them a +1 bonus on their attack for every other gang member within 6 squares of a target (not each other). To get the most out of these characters, field them with other gang members.

    Because a gang member's Attack bonus is only +3, throw in some backup to boost his chances, and combine their fire. For example, support one Dark Hellion Swoop Gang Member with two additional gang members, and combine their fire to boost the Attack bonus to +13.

    Of course, Dark Hellions only do 10 Damage, so you'll want to field them with a character who has a commander effect that increases damage, such as the Rodian Hunt Master and his Deadeye ability.

    If you're using the Rebel or Imperial factions, you'll probably choose a unit that has a higher Attack bonus -- such as a Rebel Trooper or a Stormtrooper (which also has a higher Defense) -- over a Dark Hellion. Other factions have fewer options in this range.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 5
    Hit Points: 10
    Defense: 13
    Attack: +3
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Gang +1 (+1 Attack against a target for each other ally whose name contains Dark Hellion within 6 squares of that target)

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Dark Hellion: Male Human thug 1; Init +2; Defense 13 (+1 class, +2 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 0/10; Atk +3 melee (2d6, vibroblade) or +3 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 1; Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 10. Challenge Code A.

    Equipment: Blaster pistol, comlink, credit chip.

    Skills: Computer Use +3, Intimidate +2, Pilot +1, Repair +3.

    Feats: Gearhead, Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistol, simple weapons, vibro weapons).

  • Source: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/BHPreview3


    Bounty Hunters Preview 2

    Basilisk War Droid and Quarren Bounty Hunter


    The next great set to be released for the Star Wars Miniatures Game is Bounty Hunters, coming your way this fall. But today, we've got the first in a series of previews of the new minis. First, Gary Sarli details the massive mobile weapons platform known as the Basilisk War Droid. Then Sterling Hershey shows how the simple Quarren Bounty Hunter shines with some help from his Black Sun friends.

    Basilisk War Droid

    During the Sith War, four millennia before the rise of the Empire, Mandalorian warriors rode into battle on the backs of Basilisk war droids. Massive mobile weapons platforms, the Basilisks served as loyal allies and faithful mounts for the Mandalorian riders. In fact, Basilisks were attuned to their masters' emotions so that they served almost as an extension of their riders' bodies.

    The war droids could operate both in atmosphere and deep space, lifting their rear wings to expose a set of high-boost engines. The droids also featured a pair of laser cannons, a pair of shatter-missile launchers, and set of shockwave generator rods whose plasma burst could rupture a starship's hull. In addition to this formidable weaponry, their heavy forward claws were used to smash through obstacles as well as enemy infantry.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, the Basilisk War Droid is one of the most mobile Huge figures. It can move across the battle map very quickly to take advantage of an opponent's maneuvers. Even better, it does more than just move -- its Huge size and impressive damage allow its Strafe Attack to cut a swath through enemies as it goes. In fact, given its speed, the Basilisk can potentially attack up to 60 enemies in a single turn!

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Mandalorian
    Cost: 51
    Hit Points: 100
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 30
    Special Abilities: Flight, Mounted Weapon, Speed 10, Strafe Attack

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Basilisk War Droid: Huge flying war droid soldier 5; Init –1 (–1 Dex); Defense 18 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +5 class, +6 natural); DR 5; Spd 8 m, fly 20 m (average); VP/WP 57/42; Atk +12/+12 melee (1d8+12, 2 claws), +10 ranged (3d10 x 2, fire-linked laser cannons); SQ space flight (maximum speed in space: 6 squares), shatter missiles (+10 quality, 3d10 x 2 damage), shockwave generator rods (breach hull in DR/10 rounds); SV Fort +10, Ref +0, Will +1; SZ H; Face/Reach 6 m x 6 m/4 m; Rep +1; Str 30, Dex 9, Con 21, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 9. Challenge Code E.

    Equipment: Heuristic processor, 2 claw appendages, 5 weapon mounts, external seat for one rider, empathic link (+10 bonus to Sense Motive checks to anticipate rider's commands).

    Skills: Sense Motive +7 (+17 to anticipate rider's commands).

    Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Emphasis (Sense Motive), Weapon Focus (claws), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, simple weapons, vibro weapons), Weapon Specialization (claws).

    Quarren Bounty Hunter

    Quarren are another species native to Mon Calamari (not surprisingly, the other is the Mon Calamari themselves). Strife between the idealistic Mon Calamari and the pragmatic Quarren is well known, and a major reason some Quarren prefer to live elsewhere in the galaxy. Many of the outsiders end up in organizations of dubious morals.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, the Quarren Bounty Hunter embodies a typical low-level criminal operative. He has some skill of his own, but he works best when augmented with equipment and a command structure provided by his criminal organization -- in this case, Black Sun. Between the Universe and the Bounty Hunters sets, Black Sun is almost its own mini-faction within the Fringe, thereby providing needed support for characters such as this.

    The stats and abilities of 11-point-cost characters are fairly widespread. Compared to other units at this level, the Quarren Bounty Hunter has more abilities, but a lower Defense and only 20 Hit Points. With a 14 Defense, the Quarren Bounty Hunter will need to stay under cover. His Attack score is also low, but thanks to his Careful Shot and Bounty Hunter +2 abilities, he can still threaten high Defense, Unique targets, under the right conditions. The Quarren Bounty Hunter benefits greatly in squads with a Black Sun Vigo or Xizor. Not only does this activate his Black Sun ability (giving him Grenades 10), he also typically receives the Vigo's commander effect, which further increases his usefulness at a low point cost.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 11
    Hit Points: 20
    Defense: 14
    Attack: +5
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Black Sun (gains Grenades 10 in squads with a Xizor or Vigo), Bounty Hunter +2 (Unique enemies), Careful Shot

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Quarren: Male Quarren soldier 3; Init +1; Defense 14 (+3 class, +1 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 20/10; Atk +4 melee (2d6, vibroblade) or +5 ranged (3d8, blaster rifle); SQ Breathe Underwater; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; SZ M; FP 1; DSP 2; Rep +1; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8. Challenge Code B.

    Equipment: Blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades (4d6+1), vibroblade, comlink, credit chip, datapad.

    Skills: Computer Use +5, Gather Information +2, Intimidate +4, Jump +6, Repair +5, Search +3, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Quarrenese, Speak Basic, Speak Quarrenese, Spot +4, Swim +6.

    Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons).


    Bounty Hunters Preview 1

    From: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/BHPreview1

    Bossk and the Mistryl Shadow Guard


    The next great set to be released for the Star Wars Miniatures Game is Bounty Hunters, coming your way this fall. But today, we've got the first in a series of previews of the new minis. First, Sterling Hershey explains why you wouldn't want to meet a Trandoshan with a flamethrower in a dark alley. Then Gary Sarli dodges shock whips to uncover the secrets of the Mistryl Shadow Guard.

    Bossk, Bounty Hunter

    In almost every Star Wars movie, bounty hunters play significant and sometimes pivotal roles in the fate of the galaxy. Their very presence -- and how different they all look -- hints at the depth and variety of the universe.

    The reptilian Bossk first appeared on screen in The Empire Strikes Back as one of the elite bounty hunters personally invited by Darth Vader to pursue the Millennium Falcon. He didn't manage to capture the Falcon, or steal the frozen Han Solo from Boba Fett. But Bossk maintained a long rivalry with Chewbacca before and after the incident. Bossk is a Trandoshan, which is one of the native species of the Kashyyyk system and a longtime enemy of the Wookiees.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, Bossk, Bounty Hunter is an upgraded version of the Bossk miniature originally issued in the Rebel Storm set. For a cost increase of only 8 points, Bossk, Bounty Hunter has many more special abilities, plus slightly increased Hit Points and Attack scores. Some of his new abilities are typical Trandoshan traits, such as Regeneration and Rend. However, his offensive abilities get a substantial boost from Flamethrower and Momentum, as well.

    Bossk, Bounty Hunter is highly effective in close-range combat, with powerful claw attacks and his dangerous, crowd-thinning Flamethrower. His Regeneration ability allows him to regain 10 hit points in any round he doesn't move. This power should help him stay in the fight longer when battling adjacent, non-moving enemies for consecutive rounds.

    Opponents with few hit points will find Bossk, Bounty Hunter a formidable foe. They won't last long in adjacent fighting, and they can't survive even a single hit from his Flamethrower.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 25
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Bounty Hunter +4, Double Claw Attack, Flamethrower 20, Momentum, Regeneration 10, Rend +10

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Bossk: Male Trandoshan scout 4/soldier 3/bounty hunter 1; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Defense 22 (+1 natural, + 8 class, +3 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 66/16; Atk +10/+5, melee (1d3+3, unarmed) or +10/+5 ranged (3d8/19–20, blaster rifle) or +10/+5 ranged (3d6/1d6 stun grenade) or +10/+5 ranged (2d6, flamethrower); SQ darkvision 20 m, trailblazing, heart +1, uncanny dodge, target bonus +1; SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +5; SZ M; FP 2; DSP 8; Rep +3; Str 16, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13. Challenge Code D.

    Equipment: Blaster rifle, grenade launcher*, flamethrower*, binders, modified freighter (Hound's Tooth).
    * See "Equipment of Jango and Boba Fett," page 316 of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook.

    Skills: Appraise +3, Astrogate +5, Computer Use +2, Disable Device +5, Gather Information +6, Hide +8, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (alien species) +2, Knowledge (streetwise) +3, Knowledge (systems) +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +8, Pilot +10, Repair +5, Read/Write Dosh, Search +3, Speak Basic, Speak Dosh, Spot +3, Survival +6, Swim +5.

    Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Starship Operation (Space Transports), Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons).

    Mistryl Shadow Guard

    The Mistryl Shadow Guards are an organization of assassins, bodyguards, and mercenaries famed for their reliability and skill, but little else is known about them in the galaxy at large. All Mistryl Shadow Guards are Human women who have received extensive training in many types of martial arts, and they accept contracts to perform almost any task appropriate to their abilities. They will serve nearly any employer, with one significant exception -- the Shadow Guards very rarely work for the Empire and its agents.

    The goals of the organization are mysterious. It has been observed that individual Shadow Guards keep only a small portion of their earnings for subsistence and send the rest back to their homeworld of Emberlene, a once-prosperous planet devastated in the aftermath of the Clone Wars.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, the Mistryl Shadow Guard is one of the better non-Unique melee characters. On the defensive side, she has several distinct advantages. First, her Stealth special ability restricts her from being a legal target as long as she stays in cover and keeps her distance. Second, Evade makes her difficult to hurt, even for characters with Accurate Shot. And third, her naturally high Defense is even harder to hit for all but the best opponents.

    On offense, she may be limited by Melee Attack, but Melee Reach 2 gives her a bit more flexibility. Further, although she loses the benefits of Stealth and Evade against very close targets, the Paralysis ability granted by her shock whip gives her a good chance of keeping a close opponent from being able to activate at all.

    Finally, the Mistryl Shadow Guard is a flexible character. Loner allows her to operate efficiently by herself, and Bodyguard lets her protect vulnerable allies. And with her high number of Hit Points, she can survive for awhile in either role.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 24
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +12
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Bodyguard, Evade, Loner, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Paralysis, Stealth

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Mistryl Shadow Guard: Female Human scoundrel 4/scout 4/Mistryl Shadow Guard* 3/bodyguard** 1; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Defense 21 (+7 class, +4 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 54/10; Atk +13/+8 melee (2d6+2, shock whip); SQ camouflage prematch, dash, harm's way, heart, illicit barter, lucky (1/day), precise attack +1, teamwork, trailblazing, uncanny dodge; SV Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +5; SZ M; FP 3; DSP 5; Rep +3; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8. Challenge Code D.

    Equipment: Shock whip*.

    Skills: Balance +14, Bluff +9, Climb +11, Disable Device +8, Disguise +9, Gather Information +7, Hide +19, Intimidate +7, Listen +10, Move Silently +16, Search +10, Spot +13, Survival +5, Tumble +14.

    Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (shock whip), Heart of Vengeance*, Improved Martial Arts, Martial Arts, Improved Trip, Skill Emphasis (Hide), Weapon Finesse (shock whip), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, simple weapons, vibro weapons).

    * See Hero's Guide.

    ** See Ultimate Alien Anthology.

    Source: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/BHPreview1



    CCG Armory



    Rebel Snowspeeder

    38 Points

    Hit Points 60
    Defense 16
    Attack +8
    Damage 20

    Special Abilities

    Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
    Damage Reduction 10 (Whenever this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability).
    Harpoon Gun (Replaces attacks: range 6: target enemy with Mounted Weapon cannot move this round; save 11)
    Mobile Attack (Can move both before and after attacking)
    Mounted Weapon (Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character)
    Speed 16 (Can move up to 16 squares and attack, or 32 squares without attacking)
    Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, it makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

    Rebel, 12/60, Uncommon

    Source: http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=679664&page=1&pp=30


    The battle moves to deep space! Conquer the hyperspace lanes with the best fleet of starships you can muster from across all eras of the Star Wars saga. Drawn from the landmark films, the computer games, the comics, and the novels, these starships give you a whole new way to decide the fate of the galaxy. Collect Imperial Star Destroyers, the Millennium Falcon, X-Wings, B-Wings, Slave I, TIE fighters, and all your other favorite Star Wars starships in the Starship Battles set. Challenge your friends to epic battles using the most powerful starships in the galaxy. Contains 7 randomized, prepainted, fully assembled, durable plastic starship miniatures from the Star Wars universe and full-color game stat cards

    Source: Hasbro.com


    Happy Fourth of July!

    Happy Fourth of July to all our readers in the USA form the crew at Yodasnews.com, StarWarsMiniGames.com and VoldemortsVault.com!

    Have a safe and fun day and  May the Fourth be with you!



    Champions of the Force Avatars added to the Forums!



    All 60 have now been added for you to pick from!




    Welcome Infinity Collectables

    We would like to welcome Infinity Collectibles to the site today! A great place to shop for all  your individual mini needs. All miniatures are shipped in boxes with packing peanuts regardless of what you buy. All orders are treated with the same respect whether you spend $.25 or a $100. Cards are also shipped in hard plastic sleeves. They ship everyday the post office open. Click right here to check out the selection!


    Latest news from Wizards of the Coast!



    STAR WARS™ MINIATURES GAME ADDS A NEW DIMENSION TO THE SAGA Champions of the Force™ Unites Your Favorite Heroes and Villains From the Star Wars Expanded Universe!


    Renton, Wash (June 9, 2006)Champions of the Force, the latest expansion from Wizards of the Coast’s highly popular Star Wars Miniatures Game, allows heroes from the light side of the Force to fight the powers of the dark side in this collection of characters that delves deep into the expanded universe of the Star Wars saga. With an all-new, very-rare Yoda, and more plastic weaponry elements than any prior expansion, Champions of the Force kicks the gameplay into hyper-drive!


    Click here to read more


    Champions of the Force Preview 5

    Republic Commando Sev and Darth Malak

    Source: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/CotFPreview5

    In this fifth preview of the upcoming Champions of the Force set for the Star Wars Miniatures Game, we look at two more minis. First, Gary Sarli introduces us to another member of Delta Squad who is probably not psychotic. Then Sterling Hershey goes back 4,000 years to relate the tragic tale of a Jedi who became a Sith Lord.

    Spoiler Warning!

    The information below about Darth Malak might spoil your enjoyment of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic computer game.

    Republic Commando Sev

    Republic Commandos were designed to find the middle ground between rank-and-file clone troopers and the much more elite ARC Troopers. Raised from birth in four-man "pods," these clones are trained to work together so that their individual strengths combine to make a team greater than the sum of its parts.

    The clone designated RC-1207 was a member of one such four-man team, Delta Squad. Delta Oh-Seven, or "Sev" to his squad mates, is a little too eager to get into a fight. While not actually psychotic (or, more accurately, probably not), he definitely finds joy in wading headlong into battle. Still, his grim sense of humor doesn't get in the way of his cold, ruthless efficiency, and even his overwhelming application of force has a pragmatic side: "Rule 17: Always make sure they're dead."

    Republic Commando Sev is one of four members of Delta Squad found in Champions of the Force, and they work together quite well as a team or deployed individually. Although they don't have many Hit Points, their Stealth gives them the ability to avoid being attacked more often than not, and they are good shots with a decent punch. Sev gives the Deltas an improved ability to pick off distant targets with cover (Accurate Shot) or to pack a little extra punch against a target using his preferred sniper rifle at the expense of mobility (Deadeye).

    Sev also appears in the Star Wars Republic Commando computer game and video game.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Republic
    Cost: 16
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Order 66, Accurate Shot, Deadeye, Stealth

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Delta Oh-Seven ("Sev"): Male Human thug 5/soldier 3; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 17 (+6 class, +1 Dex); DR 5; Spd 8 m; VP/WP 24/12; Atk +9/+4 melee (2d6+1, wrist-mounted vibroblade) or +9 ranged (3d8/18–20, DC-17m Sniper) or +9/+4 ranged (3d8+3/19–20, DC-17m Blaster) or +7/+7/+2 ranged (3d8+3/19–20, DC-17m Blaster with Rapid Shot) or +3/+3/+3/–2 ranged (3d8+3/19–20, DC-17m Blaster with Rapid Shot and multifire) or +1/+1/+1/+1/–4 ranged (3d8+3/19–20, DC-17m Blaster with Rapid Shot and autofire); SQ energy resistance 5, low-light vision; SV Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2; SZ M; FP 1; DSP 0; Rep +2; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8. Challenge Code D.

    Equipment: Katarn-class armor, DC-17m interchangeable weapon system, DC-15s blaster pistol, wrist-mounted vibroblade, power packs (5), sniper power packs (4), grenades (4), medpacs (2).

    Skills: Demolitions +3, Disable Device +1, Hide +5, Listen +2, Move Silently +5, Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic, Spot +11.

    Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, powered), Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, slug throwers, vibro weapons).

    Katarn-class armor:

    Cost not available for sale (100,000 credits black market value); DR 5; Max Dex Bonus +2; Armor Check Penalty –2; Speed 8 m; Weight 20 kg; Availability Rare, illegal.
    Special: Provides +2 equipment bonus to Hide checks, Listen checks, Move Silently checks, Search checks, Spot checks, and Fortitude saves made to resist hostile environments. The HUD's starlight mode provides the wearer with low-light vision. The integrated shield unit provides energy resistance 5, allowing the wearer to ignore the first 5 points of energy damage each round. Once the shields have absorbed 25 points of damage, they shut down. The shields reset after the wearer takes no energy damage for 1 minute (10 rounds).

    DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System:

    Cost not available for sale (20,000 credits black market value); Availability Rare, illegal.
    Special: You can switch between the repeating blaster, sniper, and anti-armor attachments as a full-round action.

    Repeating blaster attachment: Damage 3d8+3; Critical 19–20; Range Increment 20 m; Weight 5.5 kg; Stun DC --; Type Energy; Multifire/Autofire M/A; Size Medium; Group Blaster rifles. Special: This weapon can make 60 shots on a single power pack.

    Sniper attachment: Damage 3d8; Critical 19–20; Range Increment 50 m; Weight 6.5 kg; Stun DC --; Type Energy; Multifire/Autofire M/A; Size Large; Group Blaster rifles. Special: If you make a single attack as a full-round action, the threat range increases to 18–20. This weapon can make 5 shots on a single specialized power pack (cost 100 credits, weight 0.5 kg).

    Anti-armor attachment: Damage 6d8; Critical 20; Range Increment 10 m (2 m); Weight 7.5 kg; Stun DC --; Type Bludgeoning; Multifire/Autofire M/A; Size Medium; Group Heavy weapons. Special: This weapon inflicts half damage in its 2-meter burst radius. It holds a single round of ammunition (cost 300 credits, weight 1 kg), and it requires a full-round action to reload the chamber.

    Darth Malak

    Four thousand years before the creation of the Empire, the Republic faced many enemies and endured many wars. When the Mandalorians attacked the Republic, the Jedi were split -- join the fighting or stay out of it?

    Ultimately, two Jedi ignored the will of the Jedi Council and plunged into battle. Revan and Malak led the Republic forces; the former provided clever tactics, and the latter was relentless and reckless in combat. The two pursued their enemies into the Unknown Regions. They returned as Sith Lords backed by a huge military force from an unknown source.

    Darth Malak started as an apprentice but soon became the master. With the Sith forces at his command, he tore through the Republic, razing entire planets. His success was short lived, however, and he fell to an unexpected enemy.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, Darth Malak is a straightforward lightsaber combatant. True to his character, his abilities and powers focus on attacking his enemies head on. His high Defense and Attack scores enable him take on strong opponents, and he can increase his damage through Sith Rage when desired (as limited by his Force 4 ability).

    Darth Malak is the only Sith faction character with a Commander Effect that applies to most available followers. As such, he is most effective when fielded with Sith and Fringe followers able to combine fire, taking full advantage of his Commander Effect.

    Darth Malak also appears in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic computer game.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Sith
    Cost: 52
    Hit Points: 120
    Defense: 20
    Attack: +15
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Lightsaber Duelist
    Force Powers: Force 4, Force Stun, Lightsaber Throw, Sith Rage
    Commander Effect: Followers who combine fire grant +6 Attack instead of +4.

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Darth Malak: Male Human Jedi guardian 11/Sith Lord 9: Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense 26 (+2 Dex, +14 class); DR 5; Spd 10 m; VP/WP 158/16; Atk +26/+21/+16/+11 melee (7d8 +5/19–20, lightsaber) or +26/+21/+16/+11 melee (2d6 +9/19–20, ancient mastercraft Sith sword), +22/+17/+12/+7 ranged; SQ Block, deflect (defense +4, attack –1), exceptional minions*, Jedi Knight, resource access*; SV Fort +16, Ref +15, Will +13; SZ M; FP 11; DSP 30; Rep +6; Str 20, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 20. Challenge Code H.

    Equipment: Lightsaber**, ancient mastercraft Sith sword (attack +1, damage +4), Darth Malak's Armor, vast resources of mysterious origin.
    **Darth Malak has constructed his own lightsaber.

    Darth Malak's Armor: Cost: Not available for sale.; DR 5; Max Dex Bonus +4; Armor Check Penalty –3; Speed 10 m; Weight 5 kg; Availability: Unique.

    Darth Malak's unique armor provides better protection than the average light armor, thanks to ancient Rakata technology.

    Skills: Balance +7, Computer Use +9, Intimidate +19, Jump +11, Knowledge (Sith lore) +14, Pilot +11, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Sith*, Speak Basic, Speak Sith*.

    Force Skills: Alchemy* +12, Affect Mind +9, Battlemind +17, Control Mind* +14, Enhance Ability +15, Fear +20, Force Defense +15, Force Grip +18, Force Lightning +24,Force Strike +11, Move Object +15, Telepathy +13.

    Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Sith sword)*, Force-Sensitive, Power Attack, Skill Emphasis (Knowledge [Sith Lore]), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, simple weapons, vibro weapons).

    Force Feats: Alter, Burst of Speed, Control, Drain Force*, Force Mind, Force Whirlwind, Knight Defense, Lightsaber Defense, Malevolent, Master Defense, Mettle, Rage*, Sense, Sith Sorcery*.

    * described in The Dark Side Sourcebook.

    About the Authors

    Gary M. Sarli is a freelance writer and editor whose credits include Ultimate Adversaries (Star Wars), Monster Manual III, Races of the Wild, and Heroes of Battle (Dungeons & Dragons). He also moderates on the Wizards.COMmunity message boards as WizO the Hutt, cheerfully feeding Code of Conduct violators to the Sarlacc. Gary still works as a staff member for SWRPGNetwork, three-time ENnie Award winner in the Best Fan Website category and host of the Star Wars RPG Frequently Asked Questions.

    Sterling Hershey has been a full-time architect and freelance game designer for over 10 years. He authored and contributed to many of West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game products and later contributed to Star Wars Gamer Magazine. These days, he writes regular Star Wars Miniatures scenarios for the Wizards of the Coast website, and he also wrote the Scenario Book for the recently released Attack on Endor Scenario Pack. Gaming in a galaxy far, far away is the focus of his starwars.com blog, Delusions of Grandeur. Sterling lives in the Midwest with his wife, Mary.

    Our friends at Kidzworld.com do it again, Take a peek!

    Star Wars Miniatures: Champions of the Force Preview Images #5

    Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master, trained Obi-Wan Kenobi but was killed by Darth Maul. The deadly Darth Maul, Champion of the Sith, killed Qui-Gon Jinn before being slain by Obi-Wan Kenobi.


    Star Wars Miniatures: Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master Info

    Figure: Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master
    Faction: Republic
    Cost: 35
    Hit Points: 110
    Defense: 20
    Attack: +14
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 32/60
    Rarity: Rare
    Special Abilities:

  • Unique
  • Melee Attack
  • Double Attack Force Powers:
  • Force 5.
  • Anticipation - Force 1: Reroll initiative once per round.
  • Force Spirit 6 - If this character is defeated, immediately add 6 Force points to an allied character with a Force rating; that allied character can spend Force points 1 extra time per turn for the rest of the skirmish.
  • Lightsaber Sweep - Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack every adjacent enemy once.
  • Master Speed - Force 1: This character can move 6 extra squares on his turn as part of his move.



    Star Wars Miniatures: Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master Strategy Tips

    Ok, he looks like he's wearing a poncho and just got wedgied, but he's still a powerful fig! He's decent at causing damage, has a ton of Force powers and gives one of your other figs a big boost when he gets defeated. Team him with some other Jedi and send him out first so your opponent has to clobber him first.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Darth Maul, Champion of the Sith Info

    Figure: Darth Maul, Champion of the Sith
    Faction: Seperatist
    Cost: 53
    Hit Points: 150
    Defense: 20
    Attack: +13
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 40/60
    Rarity: Rare
    Special Abilities:

  • Unique
  • Deadly Attack - Scores a critical hit on an attack roll of natural 19 or 20.
  • Melee Attack
  • Quadruple Attack Force Powers:
  • Force 3.
  • Force Leap - Force 1: This turn, this character can move through enemy characters without provoking attacks of opportunity.
  • Lightsaber Assault - Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks.
  • Lightsaber Deflect - Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11.
  • Sith Rage - Force 1: +10 Damage on all attacks this turn.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Darth Maul, Champion of the Sith Strategies

    He slices, dices, makes julienne fries and looks cool doing it. His Force Leap lets him move anywhere you want, Lightsaber Deflect protects him from shooty bad guys and if he starts his turn next to an opponent, his Quadruple Attack and Sith Rage means it's over. Activate him last in a turn, charge your opponent's biggest fig or a cluster of important ones, then cross your fingers that you win initiative.

    These two figs first appeared in Inquest Gamer magazine #134 but this is the full info on their abilities. Next week we have a list of all the figs in the set and then the review!

  • ___________________

    Champions of the Force Release Event

    Tournament Fact Sheet


    Celebrate the release of the Champions of the Force set for the Star Wars Miniatures Game with a day of kill-them-all battles. You could win Booster Packs of minis from the new set!

    Event Date

    June 10th, 2006

    Event Locations

    Twenty-five venues across the United States and Canada. (Scroll down for a complete list.)

    Tournament Structure

    The Swiss system will be used to determine the winner.

    Tournament Format

    Kill-them-all. This means the person who eliminates all of his or her opposition is the winner.

    Each player will put together a 100-point Constructed squad and use rules located in a Starter Game box.

    The tournament will be run according to the 2004 DCI Universal Tournament Rules and DCI Penalty Guidelines.

    Rounds will be a maximum length of 60 minutes.

    Prize Schedule

    One Champions of the Force Booster Pack will be awarded as a door prize at the tournament. In addition, tournament winners will receive Booster Packs as follows:

    • The 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th place winners each receive one Champions of the Force Booster Pack!
    • The 3rd and 4th place winners each receive three Champions of the Force Booster Packs!
    • The 2nd place winner receives five Champions of the Force Booster Packs!
    • The 1st place winner receives eight Champions of the Force Booster Packs!

    For More Information

    If you have general questions about the Star Wars Miniatures Game, Wizards of the Coast, Inc., or the DCI player’s organization, please call Wizards of the Coast at 1-800-324-6496 or use Wizards’ Knowledge Base.


    Our friends at Kidzworld.com do it again, Take a peek!

    Star Wars Miniatures: Champions of the Force Preview Images #4

    The Republic Commando Boss is the perfect leader for a Republic Commando squad!Jedi Consulars are trained in the use of the Force to defeat their enemies and bring peace to the galaxy. They also swing a mean lightsaber.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Republic Commando - Boss Info

    Figure: Republic Commando - Boss
    Faction: Republic
    Cost: 19
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 33/60
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Special Abilities:

  • Order 66
  • Mobile Attack - Can attack before and after moving.
  • Stealth - If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets. Commander Effect:
  • At the end of this character's turn, 1 follower who's name contains Republic Commando can make an immediate attack.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Republic Commando - Boss Strategy Tips

    This guy is the leader of the clone troopers from the Star Wars: Republic Commando video game and he brought his whole squad to the Star Wars Miniatures game! With Mobile Attack and Stealth to make up for his low Hit Points, he can run around, blasting enemies, while Sev takes extra Deadeye shots for hefty damage.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Jedi Consular Fig Info

    Figure: Jedi Consular
    Faction: Old Republic
    Cost: 16
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 2/60
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Special Abilities:

  • Melee Attack - Can attack only adjacent figures. Force Powers:
  • Force 3.
  • Force Alter - Force 1: range 6; any 1 enemy rerolls its last attack.
  • Force Stun - Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: range 6; target living enemy is considered activated this round; save 11.
  • -------------------------------

    Champions of the Force Preview 4

    Dark Trooper Phase I and Sith Trooper Commander

    Source: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/CotFPreview4

    In this fourth preview of the upcoming Champions of the Force set for the Star Wars Miniatures Game, we look at two more minis. First, Sterling Hershey spills the secrets of the Dark Trooper Phase I, a rare Imperial droid. Then Gary Sarli shows what it takes to get ahead in the Sith Empire without Force powers.

    Dark Trooper Phase I

    After the destruction of the original Death Star, Imperial General Rom Mohc received permission to pursue his Dark Trooper Project. Dark Troopers were droids designed and built as "super stormtroopers." The secret project was developed aboard a manufacturing ship called the Arc Hammer. Ultimately, Rebel operative and future Jedi Kyle Katarn discovered and destroyed the Dark Trooper Project before it saw widespread deployment.

    The project proceeded in three phases, each producing a different droid. The first and most basic unit was the Dark Trooper Phase I. Skeletal in appearance; it was armed with a long blade and an arm-mounted blast shield. While it lacked any ranged weaponry, it was tenacious in close combat. However, its programming was primitive. Later Phase II and III units received significant advancements in weaponry, programming, and technology.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, the Dark Trooper Phase I is one of the few droids within the Imperial faction. It has a high attack value for its cost, but its other attributes are similar to many Imperial characters in this point range. The Troopers are best deployed against low- and mid-level characters to maximize the effects of their excellent Attack and Damage scores. They just don't have enough hit points to last against upper-echelon characters.

    Aggressive advancement is key. The Phase I can survive a few low-damage hits, but you'll want to minimize its exposure while closing to attack. Fielding the Troopers in groups should cut through lesser characters quickly and give stronger enemies plenty to worry about.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Imperial
    Cost: 12
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Droid, Melee Attack

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Dark Trooper Phase I: Super stormtrooper droid, soldier 4; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense: 15 (+4 class, +1 Dex, +1 shield, –1 size); DR 5, Spd 12 m; VP/WP 33/14; Atk +6 melee (1d8+2, forearm sword); or +4 ranged (by weapon); SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +0; SZ L; FP 0; DSP 0; Rep +1; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8. Challenge Code C.

    Equipment: Forearm sword, forearm shield, heuristic processor, infrared vision, phrik alloy hardened frame (equivalent to medium armor), vocabulator, comlink, magnetic feet.

    Skills: Climb +5, Intimidate +7, Jump +5, Speak Basic, Spot +3.

    Feats: Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dodge, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (sword), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons).

    Sith Trooper Commander

    Although the term "Sith" is most often associated with powerful dark side Force-users, the Sith Empire included many characters with more mundane abilities. Sith troopers and Sith officers are the vanguard of any planetary invasion or boarding action, and the distinctive armor of the Sith Empire strikes fear into the hearts of the populace of countless worlds.

    Advancing in the Sith Empire requires a sharp wit, keen perception, and an absolutely ruthless, cutthroat attitude. Anyone who has managed to advance to the officer rank has spotted and taken advantage of opportunities. But just as important, he's sabotaged his competition and manipulated his underlings to keep them dependent (and thus unable to find a way to eliminate him and take his place). Bribery, blackmail, fabricated evidence, and even assassination are common tools used by any Sith officer over the course of his career.

    In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, the Sith Trooper Commander is a decent stand-alone character with a respectable punch and a good number of hit points -- some of the best among all the non-Unique commanders in the game. However, that kind of combat ability doesn't come cheap, so his point cost is also among the highest of that group despite having no special abilities.

    The Sith Trooper Commander really has a chance to shine when in the same squad as Sith Troopers because his commander effect grants all of them the Deadeye special ability. Unlike most commander effects, it isn't limited by range, so you can spread your Sith Troopers across the battle map even while keeping your Sith Trooper Commander safely out of harm's way.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Sith
    Cost: 19
    Hit Points: 50
    Defense: 14
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Commander Effect: Allied characters named Sith Trooper gain Deadeye. (On this character’s turn, if it doesn’t move, it gets +10 Damage.)

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Sith Trooper Commander: Male Human thug 3/diplomat 2/officer 5; Init +4 (+4 Improved Initiative); Defense 14 (+4 class, +0 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 36/14; Atk +6/+1 melee (2d6–1, vibroblade) or +9/+4 ranged (3d8+2/20, heavy blaster rifle); SQ leadership, requisition supplies, tactics; SV Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +8; SZ M; FP 2; DSP 6; Rep +7; Str 8, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16. Challenge Code D.

    Equipment: Heavy blaster rifle* (personalized, +1 attack/–1 damage), blaster pistol, vibroblade, encrypted comlink, code cylinder.

    * Equivalent of BlasTech DLT-20A (Arms & Equipment Guide, page 15)

    Skills: Bluff +15, Computer Use +5, Diplomacy +15, Gather Information +12, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (Sith lore) +8, Knowledge (tactics) +8, Listen +8, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Sith, Search +9, Sense Motive +13, Speak Basic, Speak Sith, Spot +8.

    Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Improved Initiative, Influence, Persuasive, Sharp-Eyed, Skill Emphasis (Bluff), Trustworthy, Weapon Focus (heavy blaster rifle), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster


    Welcome DragonJustice.com!

    StarWarsMiniGames.com is proud to welcome www.dragonjustice.com as a site sponsor! Dragon Justice is one of the cheapest places on the web to get your collectable cards, games and miniatures. They carry it all from Dungeons & Dragons, to Axis and Allies and our favorites, Star Wars Miniatures! Head over right now and pre-order your Star Wars Champions of the Force Cases for only $96.99 (Set to ship June 9th) Or fill those voids in other lines like Star Wars Revenge of Sith, Star Wars Universe, and even Rebel Storm! Be sure to stop over today!


    Making the Most of your Minis!


    Issue #7 of the exclusive newsletter is now Live! In this issue crew reports on:


     Miniature Outlook: Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master

    HK-47 Scenario, Part 1

    Outer-Rim Siege Scenario

    and much more! Be sure to check it out right here!




    More Champions of the Force!

    Our friends at Kidzworld.com do it again, Take a peek at Ulic Qel-Droma and Hoth Trooper With Atgar Cannonby below:

    Star Wars Miniatures: Champions of the Force Preview Images #3

    Ulic Qel-Droma started as a jedi, became a horribly powerful sith, then lost all his powers! The Atgar Cannon is great for blasting AT-ATs and hordes of weak troops, but it's useless against Jedi or Sith.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Ulic Qel-Droma Fig Info

    Figure: Ulic Qel-Droma
    Faction: Sith
    Cost: 61
    Hit Points: 160
    Defense: 23
    Attack: +16
    Damage: 20
    Set #: 19/60
    Rarity: Very Rare
    Special Abilities:

  • Double Attack - On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving.
  • Melee Attack - Can attack only adjacent enemies.
  • Unique
    Force Powers:
  • Force 4.
  • Lightsaber Block - Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11.
  • Master Speed - Force 1: This character can move 6 extra squares on his turn as part of his move.
  • Sith Rage - Force 1; +10 Damage on all attacks this turn.
    Commander Effect:
  • Your squad may include Mandalorian character. Mandalorian allies within 6 squares gain Bodyguard (If an adjacent ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead).

    Star Wars Miniatures: Ulic Qel-Droma Strategy Tips

    He's big, he's bad and he was the second in command of the Sith when the Great Sith War exploded across the universe. He also defeated Mandalore, the leader of the deadly Mandalorian warriors, so when he says "Jump!" they say "Want fries with that?" In the Star Wars Miniatures game he's a powerful warrior who can haul buns across the map fast enough to keep up with Grievous's Wheel Bike and other fast figs. Unfortunately, he's not a great damage dealer and can't deflect ranged attacks. His Commander Effect might rock, but nobody will know until some Mandalorian figs come out.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Hoth Trooper With Atgar Cannon Info

    Figure: Hoth Trooper With Atgar Cannon
    Faction: Rebel
    Cost: 15
    Hit Points: 80
    Defense: 8
    Attack: +3
    Damage: 30
    Set #: 43/60
    Rarity: Rare
    Special Abilities:

  • Fragile 40 - This character can't attack as long as his Hit Points total is less than 40.
  • Heavy Weapon - Can't attack and move in the same turn.
  • Machinery - Industrial Repair removes damage from this character.
  • Speed 2
  • Splash 10 - If this character's attack hits, all characters adjacent to the target take 10 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and all adjacent characters take 10 damage; save 11.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Hoth Trooper With Atgar Cannon Strategy

    These cannons were used to blast the massive AT-ATs in the battle of Hoth and now you can use 'em in any battle. They're no good against powerful Jedi or Sith warriors, but if your opponent is using lots of Battle Droids or Stormtroopers, they're awesome for blasting a bunch of them with one shot. Keep a high-defense character in front of them cuz 50 damage will shut one down and they're super easy to hit, or keep a repair droid handy for some battlefield band-aids.

    Source: http://www.kidzworld.com/site/p6648.htm

  • -------------------------------

    Champions of the Force Preview 2

    Source: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/CotFPreview2

    In this second preview of the upcoming Champions of the Force set for the Star Wars Miniatures Game, we look at two more minis. First, Gary Sarli explains how the demolitions-expert clone known as Delta Six-Two earned the nickname "Scorch." Then Sterling Hershey introduces the special tandem fighting style of Jedi Knight Barriss Offee.

    Republic Commando Scorch

    Republic Commandos were designed to find the middle ground between rank-and-file clone troopers and the much more elite ARC Troopers. Raised from birth in four-man "pods," these clones are trained to work together so that their individual strengths combine to make a team greater than the sum of its parts.

    The clone designated RC-1262 was a member of one such four-man team, Delta Squad. Delta Six-Two was a highly skilled demolitions specialist with an overly ironic sense of humor, always finding a way to make a sarcastic comment even under fire. Delta Six-Two earned the nickname "Scorch" as a result of a demolitions training mishap that left him and his drill instructor without eyebrows for a short time. (The drill instructor, Sergeant Walon Vau, was not amused.)

    Republic Commando Scorch is one of four members of Delta Squad found in Champions of the Force, and they work together quite well as a team or deployed individually. Although they don't have many Hit Points, their Stealth gives them the ability to avoid being attacked more often than not, and they are good shots with a decent punch. Scorch adds Grenades to the mix, giving the Deltas a way to deal with multiple enemies trying to overrun their position.

    However, Scorch's most distinct feature is his demolitions expertise. Is an enemy using Override to keep you away from your objective? Just apply a Satchel Charge, and that door is history. More than anything else, the Deltas know how to make an entrance.

    Scorch also appears in the Star Wars: Republic Commando computer game and video game.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Republic
    Cost: 16
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Order 66, Grenades 10, Satchel Charge, and Stealth

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Delta Six-Two ("Scorch"): Male Human thug 5/soldier 3; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 17 (+6 class, +1 Dex); DR 5; Spd 8 m; VP/WP 24/12; Atk +9/+4 melee (2d6+1, wrist-mounted vibroblade) or +9/+4 ranged (3d8+3/19–20, DC-17m Blaster) or +5/+5/+0 ranged (3d8+3/19–20, DC-17m Blaster with multifire) or +3/+3/+3/-2 ranged (3d8+3/19–20, DC-17m Blaster with autofire) or +9 ranged (6d8, DC-17m Anti-Armor); SQ clone immunities, energy resistance 5, low-light vision; SV Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2; SZ M; FP 1; DSP 0; Rep +2; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8. Challenge Code D.

    Equipment: Katarn-class armor, DC-17m interchangeable weapon system, power packs (4), anti-armor rockets (4), DC-15s blaster pistol, wrist-mounted vibroblade, grenades (4), explosive charges (4), medpacs (2).

    Skills: Demolitions +16, Disable Device +4, Hide +5, Listen +2, Move Silently +5, Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic, Spot +6.

    Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, powered), Cautious, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Emphasis (Demolitions), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, slugthrowers, vibro weapons).

    Katarn-class armor

    Cost not available for sale (100,000 credits black market value); DR 5; Max Dex Bonus +2; Armor Check Penalty –2; Speed 8 m; Weight 20 kg; Availability Rare, illegal.

    Special: Provides +2 equipment bonus on Hide checks, Listen checks, Move Silently checks, Search checks, Spot checks, and Fortitude saves made to resist hostile environments. The HUD's starlight mode provides the wearer with low-light vision. Integrated shield unit provides energy resistance 5, allowing the wearer to ignore the first 5 points of energy damage each round. Once the shields have absorbed 25 points of damage, they shut down. The shields reset after the wearer takes no energy damage for 1 minute (10 rounds).

    DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System

    Cost not available for sale (20,000 credits black market value); Availability Rare, illegal.

    Special: You can switch between the repeating blaster, sniper, and anti-armor attachments as a full-round action.

    Repeating blaster attachment: Damage 3d8+3; Critical 19–20; Range Increment 20 m; Weight 5.5 kg; Stun DC --; Type Energy; Multifire/Autofire M/A; Size Medium; Group Blaster rifles.
    Special: This weapon can make 60 shots on a single power pack.

    Sniper attachment: Damage 3d8; Critical 19–20; Range Increment 50 m; Weight 6.5 kg; Stun DC --; Type Energy; Multifire/Autofire M/A; Size Large; Group Blaster rifles.
    Special: If you make a single attack as a full-round action, the threat range increases to 18–20. This weapon can make five shots on a single specialized power pack (cost 100 credits, weight 0.5 kg).

    Anti-armor attachment: Damage 6d8; Critical 20; Range Increment 10 m (2 m); Weight 7.5 kg; Stun DC --; Type Bludgeoning; Multifire/Autofire M/A; Size Medium; Group Heavy weapons.
    Special: This weapon inflicts half damage in its 2-meter burst radius. It holds a single round of ammunition (cost 300 credits, weight 1 kg), and it requires a full-round action to reload the chamber.

    Barriss Offee

    At the start of the Clone Wars, Barriss Offee was apprenticed to Master Luminara Unduli, a fellow Mirialan. The Padawan fought extremely well with her Master, using an uncommon tandem style made possible though the Force. Among other actions, the two defended the Jedi-crystal caverns on Ilum from Separatist chameleon droids (as shown in Chapter Fourteen of the Star Wars: Clone Wars micro series).

    Barriss was considered curious, reckless, and overconfident at times. She often depended on the Force to get her out of trouble, a habit that did not sit well with her Master. Barriss became a skilled healer, working with Stass Allie and joining the Circle of Jedi Healers.

    Barriss eventually became a Jedi Knight. In the final days of the Clone Wars, she and her Padawan, a Selonian called Zonder, fought on Felucia with Jedi Master Stass Allie. In the midst of battle, a massive Republic AT-TE blasted Barris, making her yet another casualty of Order 66.

    Barriss Offee brings value to Republic squads in two ways. First, she's one of the lowest-cost Unique Jedi characters in the game. She provides a very inexpensive way to add both a lightsaber and a healer to your squad.

    However, when paired with Luminara Unduli (from the Clone Strike set), Barriss rises to a new level. She becomes slightly cheaper and gains a +4 bonus to her Attack. Her new Attack score, plus her regular Defense and Damage scores, make her equivalent to Luminara Unduli and similar to other Jedi of much higher cost.

    True to her tandem fighting style, Barriss must stay relatively close to Luminara to retain her Attack bonus. Fortunately, Barriss' Defense score is high and unaffected by Luminara's proximity, so if the two Jedi are forced apart, Barriss isn't at a defensive disadvantage.

    Star Wars Miniatures Stat Card Preview

    Faction: Republic
    Cost: 17
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Rapport (with Luminara Unduli), and Synergy (with Luminara Unduli)
    Force Powers: Force 2, Force Heal 20

    Star Wars Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Barriss Offee: Female Mirialan (near-Human) Jedi Guardian 7/Jedi Healer 1*; Init +3 (Dex); Defense: 20 (+7 class, +3 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 56/12; Atk +11/+6 melee (3d8/19–20, lightsaber); or +10/+5 ranged; SQ Deflect (defense +1), deflect (attack –4), deflect (extend defense and attack); Healing*; SV Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +7; SZ M; FP 5; DSP 0; Rep +3; Str 10, Dex 17,Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14. Challenge Code D.

    * from the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook

    Equipment: Lightsaber**, Mirialan-style Jedi robes.

    ** Barriss Offee has constructed her own lightsaber.

    Skills: Balance +6, Climb +3, Computer Use +3, Craft (lightsaber) +4, Knowledge (Mirial) +4, Knowledge (Jedi lore) +4, Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic, Speak Bimm, Speak Mirialan, Swim +4, Treat Injury +7, Tumble +7.

    Force Skills: Affect Mind +4, Battlemind +6, Empathy +4, Enhance Ability +4, Force Defense +4, Heal Another +7, Move Object +5, See Force +4.

    Feats: Athletic, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse (lightsaber), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple weapons).

    Force Feats: Alter, Burst of Speed, Control, Lightsaber Defense, Sense.

    See the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook for Barriss Offee's statistics as a Padawan.


    Found Someone, You Have!


    Our friends from KidzWorld.com have the latest two previews from the Champions of the Force expansion set.  The newstest additions to the Star Wars Miniatures Games are, the previously seen, Yoda of Dagobah and a Coruscant Guard






    Making the Most of your Minis!


    Issue #6 of the exclusive newsletter is now Live! In this issue they address  The Top 5 Commanders (a quick recap on who the top commanders are), D&D to Star Wars Minis Conversions as well as  COTF Preview Comments! Be sure to check it out right here!




    More Champions of the Force Figures Leaked!

    Thanks to forum member Starman for letting us know the the latest issue of InQuest magazine, number 134, has more Champions of the Force miniature figures for your viewing pleasure.  These are the first pictures of Darth Nihilus, Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Master, Republic Command Boss, and Hoth Trooper with ATGAR Cannon.  Click on the picture for better look at the stats of each miniature.


    Champions of the Force Official Preview 2

    The official site for Wizards of the Coast brings us the second preview in the Champions of the Force expansion set for the Star Wars Miniatures game.  This time around we get a advance look at Republic Commando Scorch and Barriss Offee!  Click here for the full stats and character description!


    Kidzworld.com just posted two preview figs for the upcoming Champions of the Force expansion for Star Wars Miniatures.


    Kidzworld.com just posted two preview figs for the upcoming Champions of the Force expansion for Star Wars Miniatures.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Champions of the Force Preview Images

    The Varactyl Wrangler is a weak troop, but he can keep your fierce monsters under control so they don't go berserk. The Dark Trooper Phase II droids are soldier robots designed by the Emperor's evil Galactic Empire.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Varactyl Wrangler Fig Info

    Figure: Varactyl Wrangler
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 6
    Hit Points: 10
    Defense: 12
    Attack: +3
    Damage: 10
    Set #: 60/60
    Rarity: Common
    Special Abilities:

  • Empathy - Allies with Savage within 6 squares lose Savage.
  • Grenades 10 - Replaces attacks: Range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11.
  • Melee Attack - Can attack only adjacent enemies.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Varactyl Wrangler Strategy Tips

    Keep this guy away from combat! Don't let his grenades fool you, this guy needs to be cowering behind a wall as he gives your Rancor the "Good monster, have a cookie!" treatment. Team him up with a strong commander to boost all your beasts and it's party time! Once all your monsters have been defeated, then have him start tossing his grenades. But, if you ever let him use his normal attack, you need to have your brain checked.

    Star Wars Miniatures: Dark Trooper Phase II Fig Info

    Figure: Dark Trooper Phase II
    Faction: Imperial
    Cost: 20
    Hit Points: 50
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +7
    Damage: 30
    Set #: 48/60
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Special Abilities:

  • Droid - Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects.
  • Flight - Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects and pits when moving.
  • SOURCE: http://www.kidzworld.com/site/p6648.htm


    Champions of the Force

    The Wizards of the Coast Official Site starts of their official previews of the Champions of the Force expansion set with a bang. The first official preview of the latest expansion set for the Star Wars Miniatures games has not one, but two figures! First off is HK-47, from the Knights of the Old Republic video game, and Clone Commander Gree, from Revenge of the Sith. Click here for the full stats anf character description!

    If that were not enough, we are also treadet to the first look at the latest encarantions of Darth Maul and Yoda in miniature form. Click here for more!

    Sith Trooper Revealed!

    The release of the Champions of The Force expansion set, for the Star Wars Miniatures Game, might be a few months away but that does not stop figures from being revealed early.  This time around we get a sneak peek at the Sith Trooper, courtesy of the Wizards Of the Coast forums.  Click here to go to the thread where it was revealed.

    Dark Jedi Master Revealed!

    The Austin Fan Force came up with some great pictures of the upcoming Dark Jedi Master, from the Champions of the Force expansion for the Star Wars Miniatures game.  This miniature comes from the March miniature league tournament kit.  It is still unsure if the color scheme for this miniature will be the same as the one for the miniature in the boosters, since most tournament promo figures are repaints.  For more pictures check out this thread over at the Wizards of the Coast forums.

    Champions of The Force Booster Art

    Our sister site, Yodasnews.com, has obtained pictures for the booster art of the next set in the Star Wars Miniatures Game expansion set; Champions of the Force.  Check out more pictures in their Toy Fair 2006 coverage area.


    AT-ST Final Image and More Info!

    From StarWars.com:

    Rid your battleground of pesky Ewoks with a giant AT-ST walker that can do your bidding. Unleash the dark side with the Star Wars Miniatures: Attack on Endor expansion set, due to hit shelves this February.


    As previously reported, last year's release of the Universe Expansion Set to the Star Wars Miniatures game added 60 more figures from the original trilogy era and beyond, as well as introducing a big new aspect to the game which may be a contradictory of terms -- the Huge miniature.


    This year, Wizards of the Coast bring gamers the Attack on Endor set which includes: a huge AT-ST walker, a scout trooper, a stormtrooper, a stormtrooper commander, a mission scenario book with four new maps of Endor and other combat zones, as well as scenarios for a ruined base, a Jedi temple and an arena creature dungeon. Ewoks, however, are not included.




    Server Update Overnight!

    On Sunday, January 29, 2006, between the hours of 12:00AM and 3:00AM, Our Server will be performing network maintenance. During this window the site and forums will experience brief interruptions in connectivity during the above-mentioned time window. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience and continued support.


    Champions of the Force Preview

    Wizards of the Coast gives Star Wars Miniatures players a Christmas present in the form of the first preview from the upcoming Champions of the Force set.  And image and statistics for Exar Kun have been released through the WOTC Forums and you can see it here.


    Happy Holidays!

    The entire staff and crew at StarWarsMiniGames.com would like to wish all of

    you a very safe and happy holiday season! May your gifts be filled with everything on your list!




    Attack on Endor AT-ST Image


    Jedi Counseling 80

    By Gary M. Sarli

    In this installment of "Jedi Counseling," Gary M. Sarli answers your rules questions about the Star Wars Miniatures Game and the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. If you have a question for the counselor, send it in through the link at the end of this column, and then check back here for the official answer!

    Star Wars Miniatures Questions

    Q: Is General Grievous, Jedi Hunter supposed to have the Jedi Hunter special ability?

    A: No. "Jedi Hunter," in this case, is simply a part of his name. It's there for the sole purpose of distinguishing him from the other General Grievous figures. If he were meant to have the Jedi Hunter special ability, it would appear on his stat card.

    Q: Why does the Clone Strike version of Mace Windu have Vaapad-Style Fighting, but the Revenge of the Sith version does not? Why would he "forget" how to use Vaapad between movies?

    A: Remember, the different versions of a character are not necessarily meant to represent that character at different levels of experience. They may simply be different interpretations of the same character, emphasizing different abilities for the sake of flavor.

    For example, consider Darth Vader, Dark Jedi (55 points); Darth Vader, Sith Lord (60 points); Darth Vader (47 points); and Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter (75 points). Darth Vader (from Revenge of the Sith) is the weakest and is meant to represent Vader shortly after his transformation. But what about the other three? Are these supposed to be Vader at various levels of experience over the next quarter century of his life? Not necessarily -- they're meant to be different interpretations of Vader himself, with Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter being the most holistic (and most devastating) of them all. Note, for example, that Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter and Darth Vader, Sith Lord have identical Hit Points, Defense, Attack, and Damage scores -- implying roughly equivalent levels of experience -- but drastically different special abilities and Force powers.

    In this case, the two versions of Mace Windu aren't necessarily supposed to be "Mace Windu, pre-Clone Wars" and "Mace Windu, post-Clone Wars." In fact, their identical Hit Points, Defense, Attack, and Damage scores strongly imply that there isn't much experience and growth between them. Instead, the primary differences between these two figures involve which special abilities and Force powers are emphasized for the sake of flavor and playability.

    Q: When a Dark Side Adept rolls a critical hit against an adjacent enemy, would she deal 30 damage or 40 damage?

    A: Your real question is, "Do you add bonus damage before or after doubling damage for a critical hit?" The answer is you add bonus damage (including the +10 from the Lightsaber special ability) after doubling damage for a critical hit.

    Q: In Jedi Counseling 74, you addressed a question about Tow Cable in which R2-D2 moves 12 squares and the "towed" character moves 12 squares. The questioner wondered if both characters had to end in the same relative position. You answered that the towed character can end in any adjacent square. But that would mean that the towed character would move more than 12 squares! For example, if R2 starts in front, moves 12 squares, and drops the towed character in front of him, the towed character would actually move 14 squares. Is Jedi Counseling 74 incorrect?

    A: No, Jedi Counseling 74 is correct: There's no restriction on which adjacent square the towed character "lands" in. However, you should assume that every answer in Jedi Counseling is prefaced by the phrase, "Subject to the limitations of all other applicable rules, errata, and official clarifications." In other words, all answers are written on the assumption that all other rules apply unless specifically stated otherwise. In this case, the assumption is that both R2 and the towed character are moving no more than their movement limit (12 squares), because this is specifically described in the Tow Cable ability's description. Similarly, it's assumed that the "landing square" is otherwise a legal square to end your movement in -- not occupied by another figure, not a pit square, you don't have to move through a wall to get to it, and so on.

    Your example is one of the very few situations where the towed character would have only one legal square adjacent to R2 in which to land. In fact, the only time this situation will definitely occur is if both R2 and the towed character move exactly 12 squares in a straight line. If they move 12 squares in something other than a straight line, they can potentially end up in any relative position.

    For example, let's say that R2 starts in front, moves forward 11 squares, and then moves 1 square to the left. The towed character starts in back and moves forward 12 squares. The towed character is now on R2's right instead of behind him.

    More at: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=swminis/article/jedicounseling80


    The new online store RazorsEdgeCollectibles.com wanted to make a grand entrance at Yodasnews.com and StarWarsMiniGames.com so they decided to give one lucky Yodasnews.com reader a Gentle Giant Barriss Offee and Luminar Unduli Maquette, shipped to the winner free worldwide! Click the image below or visit the contest link above for more information!




    Billstoysandgames.com NEWS

    Hello from the crew at Bill's Toys and Games. As we approach our year anniversary, our goal is to be your one stop shop for all those collectible and hard to find items you need. As the holiday hustle and bustle gets into full swing, and the stores become more hectic; be sure to keep checking back as we continue to add new items on a daily basis to help ease those holiday shopping blues.


    Happy Holidays Blitz: With the holiday shopping season in full swing, we are rolling out our biggest sale to date. These great deals expires on 12/15/05 and only one coupon can be used per order: For all orders over $25.00-$99.99, use this code HHB10 to save 10% on your order. For all orders over $100.00 and over, use this code HHB20 to save 20% on your order

    Click here for some of the newer and hotter things at http://www.billstoysandgames.com as well as a special offer on the Miniatures At-At!


    We have made several updates to our forum community which is approaching 1000 members!

    Be sure to drop in and see what's going on and check out our sponsors for great deals on minis!


    Also Check out Razor's Edge Freebie for a Master Replicas FX Mace Windu LightSaber! No purchase required, just click and enter!


    Vader's Pursuit

    A Star Wars Miniatures Revenge of the Sith Scenario

    By Sterling Hershey


    "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine before he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights."

    Order 66 devastated the Jedi (see the "Execute Order 66" miniatures scenario), but not all of them were killed in the initial onslaught. The few that survived fled and hid, aware that even in the most remote corners of the galaxy, their existence would be noted and eventually reported. Isolation would not guarantee survival.

    Until all of the Jedi were destroyed, Vader's task was not complete. He pursued the Jedi whenever they were revealed to him, and one by one, the Jedi fell.

    In this scenario for the Star Wars Miniatures Game, Vader and his clone troops have disabled and boarded a starship fleeing the Core Worlds. With many Imperial ships in the area, trying to get away in an escape pod would be tantamount to surrender. Therefore, the Jedi's only hope is to defeat her pursuers and try to flee once again.

    This scenario depicts the clash between Darth Vader and one of the surviving Jedi. The Jedi represented by the Shaak Ti miniature may remain nameless, or you can provide your own. You may also set up your own Vader versus Jedi skirmish. Use your own squads and select your own maps, as stated in Alternate Setups, below.

    This scenario uses the map board from the Revenge of the Sith Starter Set. For this mission, you'll need miniatures from both the Starter Set and the Revenge of the Sith Booster Packs.

    Click here for more!


    Kidzworld.com just sent us this very cool news:


    Attack on Endor Set This is a theme box with a huge AT-ST, a few Stormtrooper figs and some special Endor missions. It's coming in January 2006.


    Champions of the Force Set This is a full 60-figure expansion set that's coming on May 30, 2006 in boosters like the Clone Strike expansion. We don't have all the info, but it's going to be packed with Jedi! Here are some figs that will be in it. Bastila Shan - from the KOTOR video games. Corran Horn - from the Star Wars novels. Darth Maul - another fig of the deadly Sith warrior. Exar Kun - from the ancient Sith Empire. Yoda - this will be a new "Dagobah" Yoda. Bounty Hunters This is another 60-figure expansion set that's coming in June 2006.


    It has more of the huge figs, like the Universe Huge expansion, so it will be in big boosters with one Huge and six regular-size figs per box. We don't know much yet, except that it's all about mercenaries and other fringe scum. Star Wars Starship Game? The biggest news is that Wizards has confirmed that they're developing a new Star Wars game that's all about the spaceships. They aren't giving much info, but it's coming at the end of 2006 and we'll have more info soon!





    Tusken Rustlers

    A New Star Wars Miniatures Scenario By Sterling Hershey

    From: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=swminis/article/tuskenrustlers


    From its earliest days, Tatooine has attracted more than its share of dubious schemers. Profitless miners, foolish criminals, witless dreamers and many others mark tales of failure time and time again. No one gets rich on Tatooine (except Jabba the Hutt, of course).

    But repeated failures don't deter some people. Recently, a group of misguided farmers brought a Reek to Tatooine, hoping to develop a new market for the animals as beasts of burden. The plan was a disaster from the start. The Reek has been unexpectedly difficult to train, and injured many farmers in the process. After weeks of work, the farmers have barely begun to exert the control they require over the beast.

    Now, things are taking a big turn for the worse. Some local Tusken Raiders saw the massive creature at the farm. Already used to riding enormous Banthas, the Sand People sent out a raiding party to capture the Reek for use as a new, more powerful mount.

    Things may not go any better for them...

    This scenario depicts a Tusken Raider attack on an outlying Tatooine farm. Hoping to make off with the large Reek, the Raiders spring their attack in broad daylight while the farmers are attempting to guide the beast back to its stall. The Reek has ideas of its own.

    This scenario uses miniatures from the Rebel Storm, Clone Strike and Universe sets. You will also need the blank map and terrain tiles from the Rebel Storm Starter Set, as arranged on the map. This represents the farm and its associated structures.




    Star Wars Miniatures 2006 Releases

    Here are the currently scheduled Star Wars Minis releases for 2006.

    Attack on Endor Febuary, 2006

    Champions of the Force May, 2006

    Bounty Hunters September, 2006

    Galactic Conquest November, 2006



    AT-AT Imperial Walker Colossal Pack

    Miniature? Hardly.

    The struggle for the galaxy becomes more intense when the All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) Imperial Walker enters the battlefield. This powerful reproduction makes an amazing display piece for any collection or a deadly addition to any Star Wars Miniatures battle.

    Proudly add this amazing figure to your Star Wars Miniatures collection. Can any Rebel squad stand against the power of the AT-AT Imperial Walker? Use the AT-AT Imperial Walker to relive the Battle of Hoth or create your own Star Wars experience.

    Colossal Pack Components

    • 1 imposing AT-AT Imperial Walker figure
      • Prepainted
      • Fully assembled
      • Durable plastic
    • Double-sided, foldout battle grid depicting the Hoth combat zone
    • Full-color game stat card
    • Counters
    • Rules and scenarios booklet

    Release Date: November 11, 2005
    Colossal Pack Dimensions: 18" wide x 14" high x 7" deep
    MSRP: $49.99
    SKU: 96787000
    ISBN: 0-7869-3741-6

    Source: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=swminis/article/ATATannouncement


    Universe Gallery

    The Official WOTC site brings us the entire Universe set, with pictures!  Head on over if you just can't wait to the se entire 60 pieces in the set.  Thanks to forum member Hand of Thrawn for the heads up.


    Errata Update

    Have you been wondering how some of the new abilities like Molecular Shielding are going to work?  Curios if you can use Darth Sidious and Emperor Palpatine in the same squad?  Have you had heated discussion with fellow gamer about the Battle Droid Officer using Fire Control for its own benefit?  Get all these answers and more from the latest errata available at the Official WOTC site..


    Universe Set List

    Kidzworld.com has posted the entire set list for the upcoming Universe expansion set for the Star Wars Miniatures Game.  Check it out, and be ready for the release of the Universe set this Friday (08/19/2005)


    More Universe Previews

    Kidzworld Posted a few more previews as well as statistics, click below for more detail pictures and the stats on the miniatures


    This X-1 Viper Droid fig is a monster battle droid from the Star Wars Dark Empire comic books.  A Clone Trooper from the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith movies. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.

    A Clone Trooper from the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith movies. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.


    Universe Preview 10

    Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master

    The Official WOTC site brings us the 10th and final preview of the Universe set, Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master.  Don't forget the Universe expansion set comes out next Friday (08/19/2005)

    Even after the Emperor’s defeat, Luke Skywalker’s journey -- and the story of the New Jedi Order -- was just beginning. Seven years after the Battle of Endor, Luke founded the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV in an effort to rebuild the ranks of the Jedi. The Praxeum was, at one time or another, home to many notables such as Kyp Durron, Corran Horn, Mara Jade, and the Solo children Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin. Luke eventually married Mara Jade; soon after, she gave birth to their son, named Ben after Luke’s onetime mentor. By the time the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Luke was a true Jedi Master, growing ever more in touch with the Force. His struggle against the extragalactic invaders would redefine Luke’s life and even his view of the Force itself as he learned from his own experience as well as his niece’s and nephews’ growth as Jedi.

    Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master is, by a wide margin, the most powerful figure in the New Republic faction of this set -- in fact, he is virtually an army by himself. His Hit Points, Defense, Attack, Damage, and special abilities are virtually the equal of Mace Windu, Jedi Master (from the Revenge of the Sith set), but his real strength is in his Force powers. Force Renewal almost guarantees that he won’t run out of Force points during the skirmish. Force Leap and Master Speed give him a lot of mobility on a crowded battle grid. The combination of Lightsaber Block and Lightsaber Deflect give him longevity against all attacks. Lightsaber Sweep gives him a nice punch when surrounded, and the new power Lightsaber Throw even allows him to attack targets at a distance despite being a melee character. Finally, Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master, is even more effective when deployed with other Jedi: His commander effect grants an extra Force point to all allies with Force ratings.

    Universe Preview 9

    Grand Admiral Thrawn

    The Official WOTC site brings us the 9th preview of the Universe set, Grand Admiral Thrawn

    A tactical and strategic genius, Thrawn was the only non-Human to ever attain the rank of Grand Admiral in the Empire. Prior to the Battle of Endor, Thrawn commanded Imperial forces in the Unknown Regions, finally returning to the rest of the galaxy years after the Emperor’s defeat. His reputation (and effectiveness) quickly brought the support of the Imperial remnants, and under his command the Empire reclaimed half of its former size. Thrawn’s strategy hinged on the use of technology hidden away by the Emperor at Mount Tantiss: Cloaking devices (successfully used in several battles) and Spaarti cloning cylinders (a different form of cloning technology that allowed clones to be grown much faster than with Kaminoan methods). He had even discovered a means to resist the powers of the Jedi by using the Force-repelling ysalamiri, and he almost always had one close at hand.

    Thrawn also had the service of Noghri bodyguards who were indebted to the Empire for aid they once received from Darth Vader, but they were kept dependent by the Empire leaving their homeworld an environmental disaster. When this treachery was revealed, Thrawn was assassinated by his Noghri bodyguard, Rukh.

    Grand Admiral Thrawn is an impressive commander by any standard. First, his Master Tactician ability ensures that his squad will almost always have initiative if it wishes. Second, he has two distinct commander effects, the first making all nearby non-Unique followers more accurate and harder to hit, and the second allowing any two nearby allies to switch places for free at the end of Thrawn’s turn. Finally, his Ysalamiri suppress all nearby use of Force powers and Force points, seriously undercutting the strength of any Force-heavy enemy squad.

    Universe Supplemental Preview E

    The forums over at The Official WOTC site have revealed a supplemental preview for the Universe set; Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter...complete with statistics!  Head on over for all the details.

    Universe Supplemental Preview D

    The forums over at The Official WOTC site have revealed a supplemental preview for the Universe set; Abyssin Black Sun Thug...complete with statistics!  Head on over for all the details.

    Kidzworld Posted a few more previews as well as statistics, click below for more detail pictures and the stats on the miniatures


    This X-1 Viper Droid fig is a monster battle droid from the Star Wars Dark Empire comic books.  A Clone Trooper from the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith movies. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.


    Universe Supplemental Preview C

    The forums over at The Official WOTC site have revealed a supplemental preview for the Universe set; Warmaster Tsavong Lah...complete with statistics!  Head on over for all the details.


    Universe Preview 8

    Shistavanen Pilot

    The Official WOTC site brings us the 8th preview of the Universe set, Wedge Antilles

    Wedge Antilles is a legendary Rebel pilot, second in fame only to Luke Skywalker, and the only pilot to have survived fighting both Death Stars. After the Battle of Yavin, he flew with Skywalker as a part of Rogue Squadron, and he and his gunner Wes Janson took down one AT-AT during the Battle of Hoth. During the Battle of Endor, Wedge led the Rogues (temporarily renamed “Red Group” in honor of the X-wing pilots that fought over Yavin) in the fight against the second Death Star. In the years that followed, Wedge commanded a new batch of Rogues (including the notable Corran Horn) as they struggled against Ysanne Isard to liberate Coruscant from the Empire. Later, Wedge organized Wraith Squadron, which went on to fight Warlord Zsinj and developed a fame (or infamy) rivaling that of the Rogues. Wedge was eventually promoted to the rank of General and commanded New Republic forces against Grand Admiral Thrawn and even the Yuuzhan Vong invaders.

    Wedge Antilles lives up to his reputation as a pilot who is very, very hard to kill: His Evade ability makes him very difficult for nonadjacent enemies to damage him, and Avoid Defeat adds an extra bit of protection against defeat. Like other Rebel Pilots, he supplements his comparatively weak blaster pistol with Grenades 10 for a little extra punch against clusters of enemies. However, Wedge’s real strength is in his leadership, giving all pilot followers his ability to avoid damage -- combine Wedge with other pilots (such as the Rebel Pilot or Shistavanen Pilot), and you have a squad that is very difficult to engage at a distance.


    Universe Preview 7

    Nute Gunray

    The Official WOTC site brings us the 7th preview of the Universe set, Nute Gunray

    Nute Gunray was a minor Viceroy in the Trade Federation until Darth Sidious manipulated events to lead to the assassination of the Federation’s Directorate by the Nebula Front during a taxation summit on Eriadu. As the new leader of the Trade Federation (and Sidious’s puppet), Gunray blockaded and then occupied Naboo. Unfortunately for Gunray, Queen Amidala and her allies captured the Viceroy and destroyed his droid control ship. Gunray avoided being convicted for his crimes for the next ten years before joining the Separatist movement under the leadership of Count Dooku. The Clone Wars raged for three long years before Gunray and the rest of the Separatist leaders were relocated to the volcanic world of Mustafar, allegedly for their protection. It was there that he met his end at the hands of Sidious’s new apprentice, Darth Vader, who slaughtered the Separatist leaders and cut Gunray down in mid-sentence as he begged for his life. He died as he lived, a disposable pawn in the Sith Lord’s grand design.

    Nute Gunray is without question one of the worst battlefield commanders the Separatists have to offer. His inherently cowardly nature and poor command abilities make his allies less effective than they would be without him. However, a squad made up of droids (and thus immune to commander effects) does not suffer from his ineptitude. Nute Gunray’s saving grace is his access to resources (usually in the form of wave after wave of battle droids): Separatist Reinforcements 20 gives him some ability to tailor his squad to counter his enemy’s strengths, and Separatist Reserves 20 means that he will occasionally have another group of battle droids charging to his rescue.

    Universe Supplemental Preview B

    The forums over at The Official WOTC site have revealed a supplemental preview for the Universe set; Bith Rebel...complete with statistics!  Head on over for all the details.


    Two More Universe Previews

    Kidzworld Posted a few more previews as well, click below for more detail pictures and the stats on the miniatures


    This X-1 Viper Droid fig is a monster battle droid from the Star Wars Dark Empire comic books.  A Clone Trooper from the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith movies. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.


    Universe Preview 6

    Shistavanen Pilot

    The Official WOTC site brings us the 6th preview of the Universe set, a Shistavanen Pilot

    The Shistavanens are an isolationist species from the Uvena system. Their natural agility and keen senses make them particularly gifted hunters and trackers, equally at home in the wild or in an urban sprawl. One Shistavanen pilot of note was Lak Sivrak, a scout who was wanted by the Empire after he discovered, aided, and concealed the presence of a Rebel safe world in the Unknown Regions. On the run from Imperial agents, he found himself in a Mos Eisley cantina the day that an old hermit and a farmboy wandered in seeking passage to Alderaan. Sivrak went on to join the Rebel Alliance, serving as an infantry gunner at the Battle of Hoth and as an X-wing pilot during the Battle of Endor, where he was killed in action.

    The Shistavanen Pilot is a character that is best deployed alone to harass the enemy squad's flanks. If you keep him away from the rest of his squad, his Loner ability takes effect and gives him impressive accuracy against weaker opponents. Also, while his blaster pistols don't have the same punch as a lightsaber or a Heavy Stormtrooper's repeating blaster, he does have Double Attack. Thus, if moved into a good sniping position by himself, he can impose a heavy toll on any enemies that try to pass, very likely taking out the first two Stormtroopers or Battle Droids that try to slip by. Two Shistavanen Pilots, deployed to support one another (7+ squares apart) with overlapping fields of fire, provide an efficient means to soften up an assault by many more lower-cost characters.



    Universe Supplemental Preview A

    The forums over at The Official WOTC site have revealed a supplemental preview for the Universe set; Darth Maul on Speeder...complete with statistics!  Head on over for all the details.

    Universe Preview 5

    Dark Trooper Phase III

    The Official WOTC site brings us the 5th preview of the Universe set, Dark Trooper Phase III

    Under the direction of General Rom Mohc on board the Arc Hammer, the Dark Trooper Project was an attempt to create super stormtroopers in the wake of the destruction of the Death Star. Unlike the battle droids used during the Clone Wars, the dark troopers were equipped with advanced heuristic processors that made them capable of independent thinking. Unlike the clones that make up the majority of the stormtroopers, it doesn't take ten years to grow and train them. Unlike the conscripts that make up the rest of the stormtroopers, they are absolutely loyal, never disobey orders, and don't need to be trained or brainwashed.

    Three phases of the project were realized, with the last, Phase III, being a massive battle droid armed with an assault cannon and rocket launcher, its body designed to be capable of serving as an exoskeleton for a sentient operator in addition to acting independently. Fortunately for the Rebel Alliance, Kyle Katarn destroyed the Arc Hammer, and the Dark Trooper Project with it, before these super stormtroopers could be put into mass production.

    The Large-sized Dark Trooper Phase III truly lives up to the super stormtrooper ideal. It's far tougher than even the Elite Stormtroopers and Stormtrooper Officers in Rebel Storm and its Damage is an Elite Stormtrooper's equal while being much higher in accuracy. Finally, its Missiles 20 ability will make enemy characters seriously regret standing too close together. Unfortunately, as a Droid, it does not gain the benefits of the commander effects one might normally build into a stormtrooper squad.

    Two More Universe Previews

    Kidzworld Posted a few more previews as well, click below for more detail pictures and the stats on the miniatures


    This X-1 Viper Droid fig is a monster battle droid from the Star Wars Dark Empire comic books.  A Clone Trooper from the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith movies. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.


    Universe Preview 4

    Yuuzhan Vong Warrior

    The Official WOTC site brings us the 4th preview of the Universe set, a Yuuzhan Vong Warrior.

    Brutal invaders from another galaxy, the Yuuzhan Vong waged a holy war against the New Republic and its Jedi defenders for years. Their ritually scarred and disfigured bodies are a tribute to a deity named Yun-Yuuzhan, the Creator who they believe sacrificed parts of his body to create all that is (even their other gods). They revel in battle as a sacrament of blood, their fallen opponents being sacrifices to the glory of these gods.

    The Yuuzhan Vong also represent something completely alien to life as known to the Jedi -- they are wholly absent in the Force, a void in the tapestry of life, making them particularly difficult opponents for the Jedi to face. The Yuuzhan Vong abhor technology as known to the rest of the galaxy, instead using only bioengineered technology such as Vonduun crab armor and amphistaves that are both living and, like the Yuuzhan Vong themselves, absent in the Force.

    As one would expect for a completely alien being, the Yuuzhan Vong Warrior features several abilities that are new to the game. Their Force Immunity makes them very effective against Jedi: Not only do Force powers not work on them, but you can’t even use a Force point to reroll attacks and saves when fighting them. Their Vonduun Crab Armor gives them a little extra ability to absorb damage, and their Thud Bug can not only damage a target but leave it unable to act for the rest of the round.

    Universe Preview 3

    Young Jedi Knight

    Seven years after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker was given permission by the New Republic to found an academy for Jedi on the fourth moon of Yavin. This academy, called the Praxeum, became home to many young Force-sensitive citizens of the galaxy for the following decades. Among the more famous Jedi that served at the Praxeum were Han and Leia Organa Solo’s children (Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin), Kyp Durron, Kyle Katarn, and Corran Horn. By the time the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy 25 years after the Battle of Endor, a well-trained cadre of Jedi were available to help defend the New Republic and the New Jedi Order.
    Young Jedi Knight

    The Young Jedi Knight is a member of the New Republic faction, appearing for the first time in this set. Unlike the Jedi Guardian from Clone Strike and the Jedi Knight from Revenge of the Sith, the Jedi of this era have had to deal with literally decades of conflict as the New Republic fought back the last remnants of the Empire and then faced the brutal invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong. Thus, the Young Jedi Knight is in many ways a much more capable fighter than either of those two characters -- more Hit Points, a better Defense, and a much better Attack bonus. While lacking the Lightsaber Sweep of the Jedi Guardian, the Young Jedi Knight makes up for it with Knight Speed, giving the character an outstanding ability to strike quickly from a distance.

    Source:  Official WOTC site

    Universe Preview 2


    The official WOTC site Posted today is the second of many previews from Universe Huge! Click below for more info! 




    Also Kidzworld Posted a few more previews as well, click below to check those out!


    This X-1 Viper Droid fig is a monster battle droid from the Star Wars Dark Empire comic books.  A Clone Trooper from the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith movies. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.


    Images from Kidzworld

    Universe Preview 1

    The official WOTC site brings us the first preview of the upcoming Universe set, Tusken Raider on Bantha.

    The Tusken Raiders, also known as Sand People, are a nomadic species who roam the Jundland Wastes on Tatooine. Their name has its origin in their first attack on a human settlement at Fort Tusken. Tusken Raiders train banthas to serve as mounts, and they always ride in single file to hide their numbers. Banthas also have deep spiritual significance to the Tusken Raiders: Each individual works with the same bantha for his entire life. If the bantha dies, its rider wanders the desert alone. Only if the bantha’s spirit deems him worthy will he befriend a new bantha in the wilderness. Otherwise, he dies alone in the sands. Likewise, if a bantha’s rider dies, the bantha is turned loose into the Dune Sea.

    The Tusken Raider on Bantha packs some impressive abilities. First, the Tusken Raider himself carries a powerful handcrafted slugthrower rifle, his exceptional hunting skills represented by the Sniper ability. When charging, a bantha’s mass is equally impressive, allowing it to ram its target using its Momentum ability. Even without moving, the bantha can rear up and inflict devastating crushing blows against adjacent foes with its Mighty Swing. Given this figure’s Huge size, impressive damage, and toughness, the Tusken Raider on Bantha can completely dominate a melee environment while still having the ability to engage at range. As a Fringe character with a mid-range cost, this figure can find a place in almost any squad.

    More Universe Booster Pack Pictures

    The official WOTC site makes it official, the Universe set will be released on August 19, 2005.  The set contains 60 all new miniatures and each booster will contain one huge figure and 6 regular miniatures.  To hold you over until then, you may drool over the artwork for the boosterpacks

    DCI July Tournament Prizes

    This month, the league kit contains some very cool prizes for the winners of sanctioned play.  The kit includes 12  Tatooine maps, the same one that came with Rebel Storm Ultimate Missions book, six Human Mercenaries (the same one from the Revenge of the Sith set, but with a camouflage paint job), and three cards with effects counters.  Thanks to forum member Kimbote for the pictures and information.

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